Can't get myself motivated

So, I've been having some trouble getting myself back into the mindset that I was in at the height of my most recent successful reboot of nine months. I used to be so enthusiastic about rebooting and had no problem keeping myself away from porn. The last few weeks, whenever I get stressed about work or life in general, I start thinking about porn and it becomes very hard for me to stop. Do you guys have any pointers for how to deal with these moments of weakness? It's hard because the cravings can be pretty strong and I'm under a lot of pressure from my boss.
As of October 25th, 2014 at 1:56 P.M., I vow to never look at porn or masturbate again. I've found this technique useful in the past, so here are my reasons for not fapping:

1.) I don't ever want to suffer from PIED again.
2.) I want to have extra masculine energy for work and for interacting with other people.
3.) I want to avoid social anxiety, depression, brain fog and OCD symptoms.
4.) I want to avoid shame and disappointment.
5.) I want to grow up and finally start acting like a real man.
6.) I don't want to interfere with my hobbies.
7.) I want to be sharp, focused and retain information.

*When I get urges, I plan to sit back, relax and take deep breaths. I'm also going to update you guys on my success so that you can act as my accountability buddies. Bottomline is I've quit before and I know I can do it again. I'm tired of letting myself down. This time I'm serious about quitting.


Best of luck man. Your brain had a looong break, I wouldn't be surprised if you see quicker benefits this time around