I'm gonna win this time!

First of all, I want to apologize about my poor english, I am from Brazil, so my English is not a simple language for me. Anyway, I started watching porn when I was 13ish, and then I've never stoped. On the path, I got so many sexuals disorders, just like DE and some kinda feitiches that I don't like watch to. I used to have a girlfriend in the past and my best record of staying away from porn is 70 days. I have had experienced the benefits of reboot one time, my eretions was so hard and the other things like memory clear and full energy.

But nowadays I'm single, deeply in porn addiction, I watched porn about two times a day in the last two weeks, and I had a lot of "going back" for the addiction lately. At the moment, a have DE (I'm only 21 years old), my energy is always so weak and a depression came up about it. It's my 3th year trying to cut this addiction off.

So, I think this is it, sorry for the long text lol, I'll be updating about my progress and good luck for the others brother who also are fighting through this!