6 months porn-free, active sexual life but the craving still goes on


New Member
Hello everyone! I watch porn pics since i was 11 years old and videos since i was 12, the age at which i started masturbating. I'm trying to quit since i was 16 (now i'm 21), not because of sexual problems but just because I don't like watching porn, mainly due to the desensitization and the development of new fetishes (I began descending into femdom at age 13 and i was searching every day heavier and heavier stuff). During this five year struggle, I managed to be porn free for as long as 4 months. Today i just masturbated to femdom porn, interrupting my record streak (6 months, but not counting a few instances of some paper comics and "emergency" vanilla pics i save for the difficult moments when i'm on the verge of serious release). I have a girlfriend, we have sex regularly (usually vanilla but also kinky). The only problem is that THE CRAVING NEVER STOPS. Even if i manage to be porn-free for months and have sex regularly, i still dream about it sometimes and when I'm stressed or expecially when i'm studying for the university exams, a.k.a. passing a lot of time in front of a computer, being bored and having less sex than usual, then the craving becomes unbearable. Suddenly, i think of porn and my hearth starts to beat faster, i feel the blood pulsating, i feel a strange sensation, like pleasure waves in my head and can't think of anything but opening a browser in order to watch porn. Sometimes I manage to stop doing anything, concentrate and wait for the crave to fade. But sometimes, inevitably, i fail. And day 100+ is as difficult as day 1, the struggle NEVER ends, the only progress i made is that i know better how to fight the craving and avoid triggers, but the force of the craving is ALWAYS THE SAME, even if in the last year, for instance, i masturbated to serious porn only 6 times, and maybe a dozen or so to vanilla photos or comics. Will the craving ever go away, or at least became weaker? Or will i have to fight against it my whole life? Do anyone here took more than 6 months to stop having cravings?
Thanks in advance for the support and the answers, brothers&sisters.


If you're having cravings, it means that you are not a "happy non-user" yet. You need to update your mindset a bit more.

You should almost never have cravings, even days after you've quit.

All good though! No need to despair, nor need to start back.

Just follow this book/audiobook: it follows a famous method than millions of people have used to quit cigarettes without further cravings. https://easypeasymethod.org/.

Even better, that's free!