A. Gardenzio - Welcome to my journey in becoming a free man.


What's up everybody.

I'm Brazilian, and this is the first thread in this amazing comunity. Probably I'll make some English mistakes, but don't worry about that, and I hope anyway you guys will understand the whole idea in my posts. For me, starting a topic in English and writing in English without Google translator to help me is a huge huge huge improvement. And I'm glad about it.

So, let's start with a brief summary of my journey with NOFAP.

I'm 25, and since my 18's I discovered a Brazilian's website which dealed with healing from pornography addiction. And then I officially started my journey. It was in september 2016. Since then, as I said, I can say I officially started my journey in NOFAP. Sure, in the meantime, I also have discovered Gabe Deem's work, Gary Wilson's website, and some others contents in English, but because in that time I wasn't so good in reading and understanding English, I got the Brazilian's website and, anyway, it was the best thing I did in my life. Now I'm also trying to take advantage of the content in English, because as we know, there's a plenty of rich information.

I won't be extremely detailed with dates, but I joined in a reboot more or less in december 2016 and from december 2018 I was completely free from pornography. Maybe I could be forgetting some resets in this time, but if I did reset in some point between this journey, it was 1 or maximun 2 times, and I'm pretty sure I was more than one whole year free from pornography between december 2016 and december 2018.

In september 2018 I traveled to a kind of exchange, and it was the best time in my life. I did a lot of new friends, met a lot of new people, visited new places... To say, I really improved in this travel. In july 2019 I came back to Brazil, unfortunately (hahah), and slowy, without realizing it, I was so and so getting back to the addiction I've worked hard to become free. And I can say since July 2019 I'm strugling again with pornography.

Obvious, still in 2019 and maybe 2020 I haven't noticed I had an addiction, and also because I was consuming pornography not as much as I'm consuming lately... Let's say, in 2019 and 2020, probably I was consuming pornography 2 or 3 times a month, so I thought I was in "control of my addiction". But it escalated with the pandemic... During pandemic, my pornography consuption was increasing slowy, and without realizing it, I was losing control of myself.

Since begginning 2021 I then realized I lost control of myself, and it was when I thought I should do something to regain control in my life.

I'm still struggling, but I'm pretty sure I'll overcome this and become a new free man.

This is my first thread here, and I hope I'll be posting in the following days of my journey.

I'm in the same Brazilian Forum I joined since september 2016, and I decided to join in this one to interact with more people.

I hope you guys are doing and will be doing well, and - as Warner said - 'that's all folks'.

Hugs, and see you soon.
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Salve gentlemen.

Yesterday when I wrote my first post here, I haven't say how many days my mind is free.

So, that's my day 2 in the journey.

Don't know why, but yesterday I was in a great mood. Don't know if because I joined in this Forum, or because if I've watched some motivational videos, or both altogether. But anyway, I was feeling great yesterday.

I only must be cautious with my mood, 'cause probably it can change over the days, as a flatline signal.

Anyway, keep walking.

Hugs, and see you later.
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Thanks for your message, TryingHarder!

Good morning gentleman.

I reseted 3x this weekend, unfortunately, after 11 days clean.

Now I'm 1 day clean.

I'm restarting.

I'll keep going and build my journey. I never lose hope, and I'll be fighting again.

See you later.


What's up, everybody?

5 days clean.

Days are going okay, no problems about them.

I'm taking the evening to read some personal development's blogs, which is helping me to keep my mind calm and clearheaded.

I'll keep going.

See you later!


What's up, everybody.

Updating about those days I've been out here.

I've reseted some times during these days.

Anyway, I'll be backing to track and doing the steps I need to do to stay clean from PMO.

The first step, which maybe can be a bit abstract, is believing I am stronger than this addiction and God that is with me is Stronger than anything else. Changing the self talk and the thoughts I've been having in my mind changed a lot my approuch with my reboot, and helped me live life smoothly, which also is a great improvement we should make in our life.

I've been watching Joel Osteen's sermons, which helped me too much to keep going with my life. I recommend, if you guys want to, to listen to some of his sermons. Even for those who don't have faith, or those who are not christians.

For today, that's it.

I'll be updating along the journey.

I am sure I will win this fight, and take the steps needed to succed in life and in the reboot.

See you later and have a great weekend!


What's up, brothers?

So, coming back to this amazing Forum.

Updating you guys: I got a 12 days streak, but after I fell and I was consuming porn along some days, unfortunately.

This helped me, anyway, find Fortify. Probably you guys know this website, but if not Fortify is a excellent plataform the help us healing from past traumas related with P use. Generally speaking, they try to have a holistic approach, and this is helping me too much.

Today my streak is 8 days.

Keep going.

See you later.

Let's open ourselves to the new. Let's focus in our goals, our objectives.

Let's heal from the past we lived and build in the present the future we want to live. Let's do it.

As Roberto Benigni says: La vita è bella: life is beautiful.

Let's enjoy the wonders God has separated for us.

Keep going, head up.

La vita è bella.
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