Who's using Accountability software in the UK?

I was wondering if there are users from the UK here that use accountability software to help them through their recovery and if so, which app are you using?
I've tried various apps and not settled on an exact one due to various issues.
So far I have trialled the following:
  • Ever Accountable
    Having tried this software, I found that "functionally" it worked great however there was a big caveat for me - all my internet traffic was routed through their US based VPN service which meant that there was no localisation for me when using the iOS app on my iPhone/iPad - google results would be returned for the US rather than the UK when searching for places, restraunts etc. Price-wise this was the best fit for me - however I had to use their app for browser accountability rather than using Safari. When I am using my Mac I often carry on browsing when I leave my computer and onto my iOS devices - this isn't possible when using the EA app.
  • Accountable2You
    Similar to EA, the A2Y app was very easy to install and configure on my iOS devices - the great thing with A2Y is that they support accountability across all your vanilla/3rd-party browsers which is pretty awesome! Their VPN tunnel is great and still allows UK search results, HOWEVER they're currently having issues with their VPN connection where often all my connected apps/services stop working - as soon as I disconnect their VPN, everything on device works again - I reported this to their ace support team who are a real friendly bunch of guys - I would rate them on their top quality support responses - really really good and attentive! Switching back on the VPN would result in service resuming for a bit but then stopping working correctly again. For me this was a big bug which I believe they're still investigating - at the end of the day this became a big issue for me.
  • Covenant Eyes
    What can I say - these guys are supposed to be "the best" - one word - EXPENSIVE!
    I gave their trial a go and I just found their software, mainly their app based browser really clunky to use and not very user friendly. They block just about anything and take quite a while to add websites to their whitelist - whereas with A2Y or EA you can do this yourself of ask your accountability partner to do this for you.
So where am I now? - I am toying between EA and A2Y - ideally hoping that A2Y will resolve their VPN issue as they were definitely my preferred service.
Would be interested to read your views and find out what service you're using - maybe you're using something else?

Thanks for reading! ;)