How long do I need to abstain from real sex to reboot?

I am reading the book "Whack", by Noah Church. Recommend it, btw. He talks about rebooting and rewiring. It's not just him that talks about it, and I guess that here in the community you guys talk about it too (just read the name of the community).

I want to try it, and I want to make it right. I won't give up.

So, I learned that because of the chaser effect (something that I've been experiencing recently) it is recommended to abstain from sex in the beggining of the reboot Journey. Or to have sex, but not reaching orgasm, in a healthy pace. Can some of you guys give me an advice on how much time is needed?

I don't have erectile disfunction (yet (and hope never to come to this point)). I'm able to have normal sex, and I have no problem getting and mantaining erections from real situations, or even just from having stimulating toughts. What I've been experiencing is porn addiction and difficulty to be satisfied with real sex, even though it is great.

How much time do you think I should avoid having sex?