I don't know if it's caused by watching porn.


New Member
Everything was normal before the age of 20. I have been watching porn and masturbation since I broke up for more than 10 years. I can't get an erection every time I make friends with a girl, but when I turn on porn, I don't have to help with my hand to get an erection. I also have morning erection every morning. I just can't flirt. I have to use my hands, but my hands are soft as soon as I let go. I haven't recovered for a year, but this year I just didn't watch porn or masturbate, but I went to a prostitute for a month and forced an erection to finish it reluctantly, but most of it couldn't be done. I finally got it out with my hands, and I haven't fully recovered up to now. I don't know if complete abstinence is needed to recover.