

Active Member
How porn affect my studies ? I mean what problems will it cause for me when I am studying . I am asking now because I will start studying next semester


1. You might want to choose a clearer title next time.
2. You're probably a clever guy - isn't that question kind of obvious? What impact is something that occupies your mind, might make you uneasy and costs time going to have on studying? Any idea? Hint: Maybe not a good one.

Sorry for the rant, but sometimes people do not seem to think about their own questions for only a second.


Active Member
what I meant that i. need a clear answer so I can convince my self to quit before it is too late. I want to get clear answer before I start studying so I dont regret my choices in the future and I am sorry for my bad English


Users around this forum who don't know you cannot give you those clear answers you're looking for. Porn works differently on different people. Still, I believe my opinion stated above comes close.
It is also crucial for you to realize that nobody here is responsible for convincing you to quit. That part of the job is reserved for you personally.
Long story short: I can't imagine why anybody should regret giving up porn, thus quitting is a good way to go whatsoever. 


Porn  hijacks your mind whenever you see porn you are simply wasting your time,energy and mind power as you are in front of a computer screen having a variety of porn at you finger tips
So you will never get bored by it
for example - if you start by watching softcore porn on the internet after a couple of movies
you will notice that you need to see a hardcore version of the porn to get aroused so that you can masturbate to it
As Student your priority should be to get good grades which depends on hard work and dedication
If you spending most of the time by watching porn
I suggest you to quit porn ASAP
As it will cause a lot of problem later in your life if you do not quit it
Believe me i know what porn can do in someone's life
It has caused a lot of problems for me
If you want you can check it out from my post , the link is below
Also i would suggest you to spent more time with your friends and family members
when you are alone this will help  to fill the void that porn has created in your life
I wish you best of luck for your studies
Take Care
