The journey begins


New Member
It has been two full days since I officially haven’t watched porn. I initially set out to not watch any porn at all, in any form, and just learn to masturbate from my imagination. However, I don’t think I’ll be able to do that. For 10 years now almost I’ve been masturbating to material. Hopefully one day I will be connected and spiritual enough to achieve this task. I am going on this journey because I am seriously addicted. The warmth and comfort that porn gives me comes to me at difficult moments in life. It’s great in the short term and then it completely destroys me. Plus, as it is such an addiction, I constantly need stronger and stronger things. Sexuality without violence is almost abstract to me at this point.

Just now I did MO. But to stationary porn. As I was saying, the vision of cold turkey stopping is one I hold dear, but I just am not capable yet. So I want to try limiting myself to just stationary porn on google images for now. Physical photos of porn are okay too, but anything that moves, I am not touching. That is a hard line that I’m drawing in the sand for now. I will see how that goes. I know the leap from photo to video format may not seem huge but it is to me. The way I can tell is that it’s already a huge challenge. I can barely do it do a photo anymore, my imagination is fucked. But that is why I’m doing it. So that’s my goal. To try and see how long I can last only jerking off to pornographic imagery, nothing moving. And if I manage to master that, maybe I can get off porn altogether. Sometimes I accidentally get very turned on by some audio. This is a strong trigger. I will try not to MO to audio by itself as well. Only picture format porn. Zero tolerance for landing up on the big porn sites, as I have nothing to look for there. Photos can be found in other sources.

Wish me luck everyone. I hope to continue this journal. Glad to find this place. My problem was never “fapping”. It was always porn. So I’m glad there’s a community focused on that.