HELP- Relapsing on Weekends Only

I live in university hostel and have a very busy life on 5 weekdays...studying, reading, socializing, learning music and gym etc. however when i return home and relax on saturday, that is when I ultimately end up doing PMO. I don't have much to do on weekends except finish assignments. can you guys suggest some ways to NOT BE DOING SOMETHING and still NOT DOING PMO?

because i dont think staying busy 24/7 is a viable solution in the long run for stopping PMO. the moment your work is less, you will relapse back.


New Member
I have tried a similar strategy, in which i would allow myself to relapse only on sundays, but all i did was give myself permission to relapse again and again. Which didn't turned out well for me. So i would suggest u tell yourself that you wont relapse ever again.


Active Member
my advice to you is to get a blocking software, and completely eliminate PMO and any related fantasies. it is very difficult to resist urges that come from addiction related brain changes like P addiction, primarily the deficiency in the prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain responsible for self control). once you get a head start and this part of the brain recovers a bit, resisting the urges becomes easier. It takes time for the PFC to recover so you are even able to say “no” at all so removing even the option of PMOF becomes very important, hence the blocking software. I use covenant eyes, details in my signature.

your brain will usually balance itself out with enough time. keep coming to the forums for support and soon you will become re-sensitized to normal stimuli. together, we can all get our boners back.