Video games during PIED recovery


New Member
Hello fellow rebooters,

I am due to start my PMO reboot to fix my PIED however there is a question that I need clarification on before I start this journey. Firstly, let me just say that I am happy with most aspects of my life and I am doing this to fix my erections only and to cure my PIED. My question is will playing non-sexual video games effect my recovery at all? I often play video games daily, for hours at a time (I still exercise, get outside and do other healthy activities) and most of my free time is spent playing old school RuneScape.

I am looking for a simple answer please if possible, basically whether I can cure my PIED whilst still continuing to play my non-sexual games at the rate that I do.

appreciate the help everyone! Hopefully this is the beginning a very exciting journey :)


For me I noticed that gaming would fire up similar feelings of P watching/searching. Not in an arousal way but I guess the rush from dopamine as games were made to be addictive. So I stopped gaming years ago and I think its helped