Medicating rejection with porn


Active Member
I'm not going to take very long to explain, but basically I got rejected by a woman quite recently. And what do you know, I end up with my pants down on the toilet, doing the same old thing to ease the pain. What's worse, I told myself I would give in if I got rejected again. I wish I could say this hasn't happened often, but it has happened many times, and I almost always end up relapsing when I have been on my longest streak, usually because of a woman's rejection. I didn't plan to write this, but I thought I might as well ask what others have done to avoid relapsing. But I do have one request—please don't say "just go to the gym and get your rocks off there". To me that is not a solution when you are in your 30's. I get how it might work for someone in their 20's but I am getting to the point that I have to have female connection to find fulfillment in life. Lifting weights isn't going to cut it any more. So what kind of advice am I asking for? Well, I can't say for sure. Maybe I just need to hear that I'm not alone in facing rejection. Btw, I did not meet the woman on Tinder. I know that's not the place to go for "serious relationships". Does anyone know any systems/modalities that teach you how to face rejection in a healthy way?


New Member
Hey man. I don’t have much advise for you really as I’m brand new here and just figuring it out myself, but I just wanted to reply and let you know that you’re not alone. All of us here struggle with the same issue, and even though it may look slightly different for all of us, we understand your struggle and understand the difficulty. Stay strong and stay active here and we can all help each other through it.
Good luck my friend.
Hey @AlexthenotsoGreat,

Thanks for sharing this. I know the pain of getting into your 30s without a relationship.

Sorry to hear that the rejection led to you “acting out”. Was it just a minor slip? Have you been able to get your recovery back on track?

I’m almost 40 and I’ve basically never tried to be in a relationship. Deep down, I think I always felt I wasn’t ready. And I do mean that. I know it’s easy to say “I’m not ready” when you’re actually just scared or something like that. But I genuinely wasn’t ready. Most of the time, I wasn't taking basic care of myself or enjoying much in my life. I was in no fit state to try dating. The idea of a relationship with a woman was something I kept in the realm of fantasy and couldn't remotely connect to reality.

I made a few attempts - one unrealistic and poorly thought out attempt when I was a teenager, one half-hearted attempt at university. At university, there was this other young woman who did actually seem interested in me. Other people who saw us interacting said so as well. I liked her a lot too but something was holding me back. I think it was my issues with sex and porn use. I couldn't imagine sex as part of a "healthy" relationship. We stayed in touch on an off for a few years and I really wanted to try and get into a relationship with her. But by that point, I was convinced that I was perverted and felt irreversibly damaged. I didn't feel that starting a relationship with her would be fair to her.

A lot of this goes back to childhood stuff for me: messages of sexual shame from my family, bullying at school (which was often quite sexual in tone and felt very humiliating and "emasculating"). I felt like my sexuality was a a sick joke. Sometimes I tried to present myself to the world as someone who had no interest in sex. I didn't feel worthy of sex. It felt too humiliating to admit that I wanted sex but didn't feel worthy of it. I guess that was one of the roles that porn served for me. It was my secret world where I could be sexual and attempt to deal with the way that I found my sexuality shameful and degrading.

Sometimes it feels like my chance for a relationship has passed. I've been alone too long. I've missed out on too many essential social experiences. Even if I did find myself in a relationship, there's a strong chance that I'd be too insecure about my lack of life experiences for the relationship to be a positive one. And this could all actually be true. I've had to face up to that possibility recently and I've felt a lot of grief. I posted about that on here recently and you were one of the people who replied. When I was feeling that grief, I felt drawn of looking at porn again but I managed to resist. Acknowledging the grief that I feel actually helped me to resist - imagining the sad teenage boy that I was, trying to come to terms with his sexuality in fantasy and porn - trying to picture how I would reach out to him, if I could.

I know that porn will never give me what I need but on some level it always felt like it could give me what I needed. The intense feelings I had when looking at women on my screen gave me a fleeting sense or almost intimacy with them. It was that feeling that it could almost give me the intimacy that I craved that kept me coming back to it. Yes, dopamine was involved but understanding the way that I was feeling is also important. One of my favourite quotes about addiction is "it's impossible to get enough of something that almost gives you what you need". It has been a big step in my recovery to acknowledge my longing for sex/intimacy that I felt that porn and fantasy were *almost* meeting. It's been very difficult emotionally but I think I'm coming through the other side of it now.

I've recently discussed issues about sexuality in general with people at my Church and they say things like "we should try to not allow our sexuality to crowd out other important aspects of our identity". I think that's a good approach to start with. I can acknowledge how sad it is that I've missed out on being in an intimate relationship in my youth and how sad it is that I may never being in an intimate relationship. But there are other things about me, other things in life that I can enjoy. Just being part of a Church community and feeling valued has been really important for me and has really helped me to take the pressure off myself when it comes to the idea of a sexual relationship.

When it comes to working on myself, I'm trying to take a different attitude to it than the one that I've taken in the past. I think that I've always attempted to work on myself from the mindset that I'm defective in some way and I desperately need to fix myself.

The reason I'm saying this is that when I try to work on myself with regards to being in a relationship, it can feel like I'm trying to make myself worthy of sex and that just feels so demeaning that I can hardly even begin. What I really need is love and affirmation and I'm learning that I don't need to depend on having a sexual relationship in order to have those things. Finding love for myself is giving me a stable foundation to build on and really start working on myself as a person - to really want to work on myself and enjoy doing it rather than trying to escape feelings of worthlessness or in order to obtain the sexual experience that I thought would make me feel worthy. I can already see myself as worthy and I now have people in my life who see me as worthy. I need that more than I need to be in a sexual relationship.

I've not given up on the idea of a relationship but I need to take the pressure off myself now. To "get out of my own way". To learn to enjoy living a healthy life and enjoy working on my growth because I want to work on my growth rather than to get any affirmation, sexual or otherwise, from other people.

I know I could have worded some of this better. I hope I'm making sense.

Best wished in your journey and feel free to message me if you want to talk.



Active Member
Hey man. I don’t have much advise for you really as I’m brand new here and just figuring it out myself, but I just wanted to reply and let you know that you’re not alone. All of us here struggle with the same issue, and even though it may look slightly different for all of us, we understand your struggle and understand the difficulty. Stay strong and stay active here and we can all help each other through it.
Good luck my friend.
Thanks for this.


Active Member
Hi Sam, thank you for your honesty. I can relate to a lot of what you're saying. What we think of ourselves, and how we deal with that can be just as big of an issue as the porn itself. For the longest time I was beating myself up because I kept being rejected. Now I've come to realize that we can never know how relationships might have ended up. In short, don't look back too much when you can only go forward. It is mostly pointless to question your past. If we had a time machine, then it would make sense. But the way most of us punish ourselves for things we can't change is what holds us back. Imagine the people who are stuck in an opium addiction and can literally die from overdose. I'm sure most of them are wondering "how did I end up here?" That is the question we have to stop asking ourselves. We have one life, and I'm not going to use it to only look back. One preacher said something that I've always reminded myself of now and then: "Experience isn't what happens to you, it is what you DO with what happens to you." This also echoes the serenity prayer: "Lord, help me to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." That is one prayer I always come back to.

God bless you Sam. I don't believe it was an accident that I read your first post. I almost never visit the forum but felt I had nowhere else to go and ended up noticing your post. Every word resonated with where I'm at in my own life. We can beat this addiction. I'm with you brother.