Really need some help!


So approaching more than a month and half and I am so depressed, restless and panicking.I started perusing Youtube and watching sentimental and nostalgic videos and I really feel this was a step back in my recovery as I am edging so bad. Practically gasping for air as my stress is so bad tonight. Do not know where it came from(actually kind of do) ....seeing everyone so happy in these videos and now I am so depressed and worried about my genital area that it will never work or I will get prostate cancer because I haven't released in so long.Please any advice what I can do to cope.


Active Member
If i am feeling like that I sometimes use a guided relaxation or hypnosis on youtube, maybe you could try something like that instead?


Respected Member
Scrolling YouTube is the same fast, easy and plentiful nature as porn.
It overstimulates the mind into craving and anxiety.
Your best recovery now is to go out, ideally spend time in parks, greenery and empty spaces.

There is science that broadening the eye (as opposed to small room, staring at small screens) helps in relaxing and softening anxiety.