Sexuality and porn

tanmay R

I identify myself as a straight.i like girls.
My question is
1) is it possible to get aroused by certain sexual activity regardless of your sexual orientation?
Example- i identify myself as a straight man,I have certaint fetish. but i get aroused and ejeculate when I see two gay person doing same fetish related sexual activity.i don't like that two gay person but i just like certain sexual activity.
Plz reply if anyone knows.
Thank you.
A couple of points: Sex is not porn, porn is not sex. This forum is a porn addiction forum, so most of the information is porn focused.

To answer the question, in the context of porn, not only can it happen, it happens regularly. This has to do with the cycle of sensitization, desensitization, re-sensitization, desensitization, etc., which can happen over years of porn consumption. This also has to do with the "Coolidge Effect." You can google it. For people who consume porn on a regular basis, the brain essentially gets "bored" with what most start out watching, and most start out watching porn they believe is reflective of their own sexuality. For a lot of men that means basic vanilla porn. The only reason a person watches porn, the only reason anyone "likes" porn, is because it results in a neurological reward, which most just call a dopamine reward, or dopamine high. Our reality is that the brain eventually desensitized to what it was initially sensitized to, at which point it lowers the dopamine reward, and will only give it if the porn user escalates, and that escalation requires something a bit harder, a bit further away from the type of porn they began with, and, ultimately, some users don't just move through very hard core stuff, but move on to gender bender porn to get the same dopamine reward. This explanation has to do with porn consumption, not sex.

Hope this helps.

You can watch the Great Porn Experiment on to better understand the psychology of this. Porn consumption is a completely above the belt between the ears problem. Studying the problem will result in you better being able to overcome it.

Much love.