Can jacking off cause baldness in young men


Yes it may cause baldness. I'm no doctor but testosterone is a part that keep our hair strong and thick. Excessive masturbation cause low testosterone and porn use affect you psychologically. Both have negative impact on people . If you're new think positive you're not alone. I in this for 7 years . When there was no problem in during my staring years. I thought negative and cause more problems to myself. You are okay think this and leave for all and everything will turn out fine . That's for sure
Yes it may cause baldness. I'm no doctor but testosterone is a part that keep our hair strong and thick. Excessive masturbation cause low testosterone and porn use affect you psychologically. Both have negative impact on people . If you're new think positive you're not alone. I in this for 7 years . When there was no problem in during my staring years. I thought negative and cause more problems to myself. You are okay think this and leave for all and everything will turn out fine . That's for sure
you are mistaken. Low testosterone does not cause baldness. DHT cause baldness. And DHT is kind of form of testosterone and when you have high level testosterone it means your body produces more DHT. So if you have more testosterone u will be bald ? No. If your hair is sensitive to DHT then u going to have a hair loss. If it is not then ur hair is safe. That what we call genetic in hair loss.


Yes sir. That's why said I'm no doctor. Your knowledge has been great for me too. Thankyou for sharing. And if you have more. I would really like to listen to you .


Active Member
There is some research that suggests deficiencies in zinc or essential fatty acid can also be associated with hair loss...... and what do we deplete when we're jerking off and ejaculating all the guessed it......Zinc!
Food for thought fellas;)