Solving my problems


My problems with pornography started early. I was molested as a child and didn't quite understand what happened until I saw a sex scene on television when I was 8 years old. I became more and more curious and wanted to look on the computer about it.
From then on, pornography has always been part of my daily life.

Even without realizing it (and without admitting it) I acquired this addiction, which slowly corroded me.

I've tried many times to stop, I always gave in because I thought the effort wasn't worth it and that added to my depression and the damage was done.

But here I am, trying one more time


Well-Known Member
The effort IS worth it. That's why you are here! Don't let the horrible things someone did to you define the rest of your life. Don't give that person that power! :)

Strength brother!


Active Member
my advice to you is to get a blocking software, and completely eliminate PMO and any related fantasies. it is very difficult to resist urges that come from addiction related brain changes like P addiction, primarily the deficiency in the prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain responsible for self control). once you get a head start and this part of the brain recovers a bit, resisting the urges becomes easier. This is why you are constantly failing, your PFC is too weak at the moment. It takes time for the PFC to recover before you are even able to say “no” at all so removing even the option of PMOF becomes very important, hence the blocking software. I use Covenant Eyes, details in my signature.

Im almost 90 days clean, which is the longest by far i have ever gone PMO free since becoming addicted over a decade ago. The key is you need to be accountable. i have a great accountability partner and we can see each others search history every day.

your brain will usually balance itself out with enough time. keep coming to the forums for support and soon you will become re-sensitized to normal stimuli. together, we can all get our boners back. feel free to message me if you want more details etc.