I hate this waiting game !!!


Hey guys,
Ive been rebooting/rewiring for over three months and have felt some improvement but have fallen into flatlines a few times. I have read a lot of success stories about guys curing their PIED, but what's the normal recovery rate? Anyone? I know there is no real answer but is there a pattern I should see if i truly am recovering? & also guys, is even possible to reboot and rewire at the same time ? It seems that when I try to rewire while reboot it seems like a set back



I know you probably don't want to hear this but BE PATIENT.  I don't think it's the length of time we have been PMOing that hurts us.  I think it is how our brain assimilates the PMO that hurts us.  Everyone is wired differently and everyone is different when it comes to time to clean the garbage out of our heads.

Some guys seem to recover quickly while some seem to take a long time.  I am one of those guys who seems to be taking a long time.  PIED is a bitch.  My willy just hangs there and looks at me and goes "what??"  It's okay.  One problem at a time.  I will first put PMO out of my life for good.  I will then work on my PIED.  I have to be patient.  I did this to myself and I will get myself out this.  I find great comfort from reading the stories of everyone on this site.  I view the videos that people suggest.

I do things that are good for me:  exercise.  I have always resisted it.  But no more.  If I am going to make changes I am going to make GOOD changes in my brain and with my body.

You can do this.  You are young and your body is resilient.  It just takes time.  Be faithful:  No cheating.  No peeking.  No masturbating.  Give yourself a chance to filter out the muck.  There is light at the end of your tunnel.



I stopped going on Facebook because there would always be a nudr pic of someone and I don't wanna be tempted anymore . I wouldn't go online to look for dirty pics, but I would accidentally run into them and I know that's bad for my reboot so I stopped Facebook. & this waiting game is a mind game and sometimes it gets the best of me man. I feel like my dick will never get better but I know I gotta keep faith and keep on trucking. & is it bad to have physical contact with girls? Is sexual contact not allowed?  & thankx nobother for the response BTW