Guys , Rebooting is the word which saved my life and my marriage , god is great to show me this path .
To cut short, i was chronic masterbator for 17 years starting my 7th age to 24th age.
Had severe ED since my 17th age.
I had dead penis since 2003 to 2014 till i start rebooting .
No sign of life there for 10 long years , no hot girl nothing would gives me errection.
Finally with gods grace I reached this site , realised danger of prone way of doing masterbation for such long years.
Started rebooting hard mode, no masterbation , yoga, gym , meditation, drink water, healthy diet, sports.
A sign of life started appearing there,
from decision of no marriage to i married really understanding girl.
This month I got the news that my wife is pregnant.
I reached here just to say thanks and inspire young lads, never ever stop ,
only two option you have gain with pain or regret with pain , first one makes you man !!!
I miss all those people who replied to my anxiety filled questions between 2014 to 2016 rebooting years.
Thank you , detailed article i will post here in few months .
To cut short, i was chronic masterbator for 17 years starting my 7th age to 24th age.
Had severe ED since my 17th age.
I had dead penis since 2003 to 2014 till i start rebooting .
No sign of life there for 10 long years , no hot girl nothing would gives me errection.
Finally with gods grace I reached this site , realised danger of prone way of doing masterbation for such long years.
Started rebooting hard mode, no masterbation , yoga, gym , meditation, drink water, healthy diet, sports.
A sign of life started appearing there,
from decision of no marriage to i married really understanding girl.
This month I got the news that my wife is pregnant.
I reached here just to say thanks and inspire young lads, never ever stop ,
only two option you have gain with pain or regret with pain , first one makes you man !!!
I miss all those people who replied to my anxiety filled questions between 2014 to 2016 rebooting years.
Thank you , detailed article i will post here in few months .