I'm currently pursuing my post graduation. But that pg course is not that involving. I ofcourse like that course. But the college i got is not that engaging. I planned earlier the addmission that i will study for government exam. But this exam need continuous and rigorous study. I have tried that but sometimes i relapse. So i think that maybe human engagement may help me keep busy. Where can I get it ,i thought. And thought about MBA course.it may keep me busy . The problem i feel is that it's private sector. So I'm scared what should I decide. Because these years are crucial for my career. I can even destroy it. This current pg programmes gives me whole day to watch p. I think maybe MBA will keep me engaged. I don't know what to do.
If anyone has any advice . please do share. Thankyou.
If anyone has any advice . please do share. Thankyou.