I cannot get past two days! Please help!


I think this site is in itself a trigger. I always naive-ly go on porn thinking ''Oh I will only look at it, I wont PMO'' And then I do. I got to 5 days, and since then I cant get past two. Please help!


Staff member
Madaemosewa said:
I think this site is in itself a trigger. I always naive-ly go on porn thinking ''Oh I will only look at it, I wont PMO'' And then I do. I got to 5 days, and since then I cant get past two. Please help!

The beginning is always tough...the thing that worked for me was making a list of the reasons I reboot. You can write it out or just think of it in your head. Once I realized how impossible it would be to get a girlfriend, fall in love, get married, have kids, etc as a porn addict my convictions became much more solid. Try it out!

I started the same way as you and made it to 1.5 years PMO free. I would go three days, relapse, go 7 days, relapse, go 2 days, relapse...that sort of thing. Just make sure you know why you want to reboot my friend. :)


Active Member
You have to know the fact that right now your brain is not functioning as it should.
You have damaged the decision-making faculty of the brain
and so your brain will trick you into making excuses to watch porn.
So really, you are fighting your own brain.
Don't trust it when it tells you to watch porn.


I think I will get over porn for good now. I feel as if I will. I have gone 2 whole days without a thought or temptation for porn.