Finding passion to replace p***


I haven’t posted on here for some time, reason is I’m much better with the idea of simply getting on with it than documenting everything. Ofcourse it’s nice to see progress but in hindsight It can be detrimental to me personally, it may not be so for others. Living outside of that bubble and doing other, new things and challenges is where my life is now. I’ve joined a new gym 4mins walk from where I work and I use it everyday mon to fri, Ninjutsu class Tuesday and Friday which I must say i absolutely love doing. Martial arts is something I’ve always had a passion for as a child right through to now, it’s never left me. Rediscovering it brought me life and real life, I thing I have denied myself for far too long. November I’m travelling to Japan to further and deepen my study of the ancient art. It’s difficult to consider but I would never ever have achieved this stuck inside the open sewer that is internet P. I said to my Sensei the other day ‘I wish I’d have discovered Ninjutsu 10 years ago’ and he replied ‘When the student is ready the master will appear’. I pondered on that and realised 10 years ago I mentally wouldn’t have been ready, I also realised Gods timing is as perfect as it is divine. 10 years I wasn’t ready for this change, I wanted it but I wasn’t ready for it. But now I’m where I should be and I now identify myself as the martial artist I always was deep down. Now I also a martial artist on the surface, it who I am and so far removed from who and what I was. I can’t get enough of the gym or the good healthy delicious food which I’m actually cooking myself I’m glad to say. But the basis of everything I do to and with my body is rooted in Ninjutsu. It’s given me the balance I’ve craved for so so so many years. I simply returned to what I loved as a child and it’s benefits me so much as an adult. My advice to anyone beginning this journey is dig deep inside your brain and find what it was you loved as a child, that’s where life’s passion is - inside the magic you believed in as a child. It’s happened to me and my God is it magical to be full of passion after years of self-degradation, self-rejection and self-inflicted wounds to my mind and soul. I thirst for more life and I drink from its fountain daily.

Godspeed brothers!