Weird Flatline.


I have been rebooting since 2021, I haven't really been keen on consistency. I guess you all know how challenging the process is and the moments of despair where relapses are inevitable. So fast forward the last year I noticed my libido had improved. I had no anxiety and would perform sexually without any difficulties. When the year began I broke up with my girlfriend, this made me lose it all and relapsed into heavy porn MO for a month. This was in June. I met a new girl in August and despite getting back to rebooting for the whole of July I am currently struggling with flatlines. I manage an erection like once in 3 days and that doesn't come easy. I am forced to think hard about sex, create images of the girl naked in my head so that I can achieve an erection. I'm left wondering and questioning my self if there's anything I did wrong, will I ever recover and get back to normal?


I have been rebooting since 2021, I haven't really been keen on consistency. I guess you all know how challenging the process is and the moments of despair where relapses are inevitable. So fast forward the last year I noticed my libido had improved. I had no anxiety and would perform sexually without any difficulties. When the year began I broke up with my girlfriend, this made me lose it all and relapsed into heavy porn MO for a month. This was in June. I met a new girl in August and despite getting back to rebooting for the whole of July I am currently struggling with flatlines. I manage an erection like once in 3 days and that doesn't come easy. I am forced to think hard about sex, create images of the girl naked in my head so that I can achieve an erection. I'm left wondering and questioning my self if there's anything I did wrong, will I ever recover and get back to normal?
It’s way too soon to despair. If abstaining from porn helped your sexual performance before, it will again. But after each lengthy relapse, it makes sense that it would take a bit longer the next time. You are always training your brain. The more training, the more deep the pattern.

Congratulations on the new relationship. It might be a good idea not to put sexual performance pressure on yourself or her. Just enjoy the affectionate touch and companionship while you wait.