25 yo rebooting so far


New Member
first of all i have to thank all of you for coming together here, sharing your stories, giving advices and just beeing here. Sorry for that weak english of a german guy ;).
I think its a great and not at least anonymous way to tackle a problem which is very important to many guys and it seems that few urologists know about it.

I've had serious Erectile Dysfunction for around one and a half year, never connected it with my high porn consumption, jumped from one doctor to another without results. I just got viagra there which didn't helped.
My prehistory: i've been using porn since i was around fifteen, hardcore porn but also just pictures of girls i liked, also had girlfriends and pretty normal sex life the whole years but that changed after i broke up with my last one, consuming more and more porn and as a result i wasnt able to have good sex. So i went to doctors and consumed more porn to get satisfied.

I stopped to consume porn around 50 days ago, at this point i didn't heard of PIED, i just stopped because i felt this isn't good for me. First weeks Flatline was very hard because i didn't knew about the reasons, but i felt better and more focused with every day. Around 4 weeks ago i read about PIED and began to read the stories here finding many similarities to my problems, so i realised it was all because of porn. i anyway stopped it and getting to know about pied was like a rebirth for me, because after more than a year i saw light and i realised that this problem is going to disappear.

As i said i feel better from day to day and last weekend i hook up with a girl at a party, beeing "the old one" because my depression caused by the PIED is disappearing, since i got morning wood for two weeks again, feeling it stronger from day to day.
i told here im not able to have sex at the moment because a ball hit my nuts at soccer and im kind of injured at the moment. she anyway took me home and we kissed and slept there, which was very nice... Next day i felt very horny and MOed a few times. yesterday i wrote with here on phone and we started dirty talk which got me very horny, so after i wrote two hours with her i felt like i have to, and i did ... after that i felt horrible, because i think my hornyness was caused by the naughty things she wrote and i stared at the screen the whole time gettin horny. But as i MOed i didnt look at the phone, just on imagination for those dirty things she wrote (They were really dirty), i think this was like a hardcore porn to me and today i feel, as i said, horrible and flat.
Im not going to do this anymore cause it definitely slows my process.

My question to you is if someone has experience with that and what do you recommend me to move on. At the moment i guess its the hardest part, because i feel my libido getting stronger, girls wanting me and i keep texting with them but knowing that at this point i'm not able to have satisfiing sex yet. What do you think about texting with girls you are attracted to during reboot? Im not really sure, because at one side those are real girls and i meet them also in real, on the other side its kind of an artificial stimulation.


Mr Pink:

I have learned through this site that to stop PMO is to stop all sexual activity for a while to give your body and brain a chance to filter out the muck you put into it while looking at porn.

Go to Your Brain On Porn and listen to the videos.  Read the success stories in this site.  Make up your own mind but if you are serious about no PMO then you will give consideration to doing whatever it takes to cleanse your brain of the crap that's in it.

It takes time, patience, and persistence.  It can be done and it is worth the time and effort needed.

Good luck brother.


Staff member
I totally agree with the poster above - almost everyone finds that they need an initial period without any sexual stimulation at all. No porn, no masturbating, and no orgasms....not even from a partner. The sexy texting probably needs to stop, too. The reason for this is still slightly unclear, but it does make some intuitive sense when you think about rebooting and resting the brain - we've been hyper stimulating our brain for a very long time, so it's important to give your brain a total rest for a period of time. Many people aim for 90 days of total sexual abstinence, but this is kind of arbitrary. You might want to do more or less, depending on how you are feeling. Most people do go for more than 60 days in this initial total abstinence phase.

Allowing your brain to rest for an extended period of time is one of the best ways to start a reboot, and almost everybody who successfully recovers does a stretch like this at least once. I highly recommend it!