Question for rebooters?



My feeling about meditation is this:  if you think it helps you then do it.  If meditation makes you feel calmer and more able to do what it takes during a reboot then you should be doing it.

Rebooting is not an easy process.  We all have done harmful things to our brains with PMO.  It takes time and effort to filter out the muck.  But I really feel any sacrifice we have to make to get our lives back is worth it.  I am in week 2 of my reboot.  I have tried and failed, and tried and failed, and tried and failed.  This is number 4 attempt.  What makes this attempt different is that I am on this site.  I never knew about before.  I get words of encouragement and advice from others who are just like me.  I don't feel intimidated or embarrassed about anything.

Keep your eye on the goal:  No PMO.  Do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.  It takes time.  Give it time.  Make positive changes in your life.  You will reap the rewards.