Strongest Trigger


This post i just started for fun.
What is your strongest trigger
please don't use the explicit word. i'm not asking about VIDEO or what genre u like. NO NO NO
i'm taking about how you get into that. so if it happens to any of us in future we can stay away from tat.
like for ex : my Strongest trigger is Torrent website.
i'm a huge cinema fan. i go download world movies n watch. during the download i see image and get triggered. likewise.
how does it enter your brain? that mere thought of watching.
here some examples:
by day 6
TV commercials. those spray ads or condoms etc.
by day 10
normal FB images.  etc etc..


It's mainly the internet. All of it, ranging from newspaper websites, forums, social media sites or hosting sites offering supposedly free streams of your favorite TV show. That's why I installed a general image blocking software on Firefox two days ago - can't stress enough how much more pleasant browsing is right now. Even if it wasn't for the addiction, now I feel like I'm actually online for obtaining information and not just wasting time (well, mostly...).


Active Member
When I'm snapchatting with a girl and they're sending me pictures of revealing cleavages. Not even on purpose but it can get me in the mood very easily.
Just thinking about it! Yes, it's that bad, once I get a thought in my mind my brain just tells me how easy I can get there to find some quick pleasure and release.
TV commercials.
Posts on sites such as 9gag, remember to turn off the NSFW.


Innocence said:
When I'm snapchatting with a girl and they're sending me pictures of revealing cleavages.

What exactly is snapchatting - just chatting while watching each other using a webcam?
I'm asking because this sounds risky and dangerous in quite a lot of respects.


Active Member
Username said:
Innocence said:
When I'm snapchatting with a girl and they're sending me pictures of revealing cleavages.

What exactly is snapchatting - just chatting while watching each other using a webcam?
I'm asking because this sounds risky and dangerous in quite a lot of respects.

It's an app called "Snapchat" on smartphones.
You text by sending a picture with a limited text.


Alright, thanks for the explanation. What's the ultimate goal, coupling?
If so, this is pretty close to browsing on triggering sites...I'd probably refrain from that (not trying to sound too admonishing here).


Internet is the evil cause yes. Thats the root. But there are external triggers like "being home alone" that huge rush i get in my blood to pmo!


Active Member
Username said:
Alright, thanks for the explanation. What's the ultimate goal, coupling?
If so, this is pretty close to browsing on triggering sites...I'd probably refrain from that (not trying to sound too admonishing here).

There is no goal, well at least not for me.
I use snapchat for fun with my friends, it's not like you can add random people.


You can download it from Mozilla's website thus it's free. However, it does seriously impair some pages (e.g. Facebook, because it's all about images there). Tell me what you think!


Active Member
I would suggest people be very careful using youtube, just today i was looking at movie trailers and came across a strong trigger, not that i would ever view porn again just sayin.


qrayz said:
I would suggest people be very careful using youtube, just today i was looking at movie trailers and came across a strong trigger, not that i would ever view porn again just sayin.

Yes, I'm with you on that one. My last relapse happened on YouTube. There's far more than Lolcats on there...although I've got no idea why.


I got the sensation of trigger while watching a woman's hip :l
Obviously i couldnt act doing anything. Is this smething to do with normal human urge?


Active Member
pr4v33n2u said:
I got the sensation of trigger while watching a woman's hip :l
Obviously i couldnt act doing anything. Is this smething to do with normal human urge?

Normal human urge is completely normal!
My biggest triggers:

  • boredom
  • stress

Finding myself browsing aimlessly on any of the sites mentioned like YouTube, dating sites, social media, etc. during these times was a recipe for relapse.


External triggers:

Being stressed out about items on the to do list that need to get done, deadlines, money
Being bored and looking for something "to do" online
Not being able to sleep

Internal triggers:

Thinking about making love to my girlfriend

  This one is particularly difficult, because it is based on an interaction with another person, and it may be part of a healthy reboot.  This depends on whether or not you remove the selfishness and self serving habits, as well as everything that has come from porn.

Again, stress, boredom, restlessness, pretty much any reaction to what is going on in life.

Using Youtube, Facebook, or anything during these trigger times results in disaster.
