Why Are Some Days Easy and Some Days Hard??


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One thing i've noticed in the rebooting process is that problematic sexual temptation seems to vary on different days, seemingly without rhyme or reason. Has anyone else experienced this?  Why does it happen? 


Active Member
I have swings like this as well.  I've been in a stooper the last couple days and cannot pinpoint exactly where it may be coming from.  For me, I feel it may be stress related.  I've come down with a cold and in my weakened state, my body is craving the self-medication of PMO.  Being sick and being at work brings added stress which I'd like to believe is what has impaired my general optimism. 
  I've noticed as I work on recovery how many triggers I really have.  It used to be just physical things like tv shows, pictures, or girls walking down the street.  Now feelings and emotions, coupled with physical triggers, really flare up unwanted urges. 


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challenged said:
Mbg, you reminded of the "being sick" trigger.  I tend to forget about that one until it happens again. Sometimes when I'm feeling ill, even if just for a day, it helps to have something that really diverts your brain from whatever discomfort you are feeling.  This is another thing we have to battle and overcome -- the tendency to use porn to "medicate" some physical symptoms.
Yep.  I find it helps to find healthy medication.  Creativity, being out in nature, or just getting good rest really heals my mind through stressful times. 