My journal


I'm 32 years old and I've masturbated to porn since I was 16. I was popular in high school - meaning I had a lot of friends. No girlfriends though. I was obese and had no self confidence whatsoever. But I was funny, charming, and just outgoing enough to make friends easily.

Then I discovered porn. It was the best thing ever. I'd get it any way I could. Even watching the scrambled channel on the TV. My only problem then was I couldn't watch it often enough because of those pesky family members also living in the home. That was, of course, until I went away to college. Hello, high speed internet!

I wouldn't say porn got in the way of things when I was in college. I still went out and did things, made friends, and did well in school. But I would be late on purpose to classes and such because I knew if I waited until I got home, my roommate would be back and I'd have missed an opportunity. I'd skip out on parties - even when a girl I was completely obsessed with would be there - because I could just watch videos and insert her into my fantasies. I remember watching porn just because I felt like I was bored and wanted to kill some time. That's when my edging began. With a library of downloaded videos at my disposal, I could spend hours on what became a pastime.

It was around this time that I remember my parents noticing changes in my personality. I remember my dad asking me what college was doing to me and remarking about how he never saw someone go from being as self-conscious as I was to being so filter-less, sarcastic and anti-social. I didn't know what to say. To me, it was just being me. Maybe I was changing; becoming more confident. Whatever it was, I couldn't shake porn. A couple times, out of shame, I'd delete my entire library and say I needed to stop watching it because I was a loser. Within a day I'd be back online replenishing my supply. I'd shake my head the first time I chose to redownload one of my favorite videos, but that voice in my head was little more than a whisper.

After college I got a job, and worked hard. I didn't watch porn as much, but instead would binge on the weekends or on days off when I was alone. I was still a virgin, but didn't care. Girls didn't interest me beyond being nice to look at. I'd tell myself what I wanted to do with them, but of course I'd never do it outside the confines of my fantasy.

Then came the game changer: a girl came along I felt strongly about. Funny, energetic, and beautiful. She motivated a lot of changes in my life. Over the course of a year and a half I lost 140 lbs, I got accepted to grad school, and was moving in the right direction. I thought I knew what I wanted in life, and went for it. I asked her out. And got shot down.

I continued on with grad school and kept getting in better shape, but I found comfort in porn. Rejection hit me like a truck and nobody in those videos ever said "no." I was in control. Throughout grad school, I'd edge like no other. Miss classes, delay assignments, skip parties and other get-togethers. I continued working out and actually did well in grad school, but I started noticing problems with even PMO performance. For the first time, I noticed that I couldn't finish unless watching porn. Even if I brought myself to the finish line while watching it, if I got up and went to finish in the bathroom, I couldn't. I'd not only lose the O, but I'd go soft. Until I sat back down at my computer. Within seconds of hitting the play button, I'd be hard enough to cut glass.

If I had a working dick, I'd probably have cleaned up in grad school. While all of the above issues were going on, I was now in shape, attractive and more confident. Girls paid attention to me, asked me out, and for the first time an attractive girl called me "hot." Well this is easy, I thought. Time to give it a shot with a real girl. What a disaster. About the only thing that worked on my was my tongue. When it was all said and done, I thought for sure she'd never want to talk to me again. It's a good thing no sharp objects were near at the time. Shockingly enough, she said "it's ok. I could tell you were nervous." Yeah. Nervous. That must have been the problem. Won't happen again. Then it did.

I had a few other real-girl experiences after that, and they varied greatly. I learned that if I edged for a bit the day I was going to have sex, I'd be able to finish with the girl. Sometimes I would actually be able to maintain an erection, but would not be sensitive at all. Armed with my favorite porn fantasies, I'd last sometimes up to an hour without even feeling like I was going to finish. It's a different look entirely when a girl is asking herself why she couldn't make you finish. A couple times a girl told me I was disturbing during sex because I seemed disinterested, was completely silent and had what one girl called "dead eyes." I can only imagine that was when I'd fantasize with my eyes open - to not be rude, of course.

One thing I came to understand was that something was wrong. But what was it? Didn't have any problems when I was watching porn, and did have times when I could maintain an erection forever during sex. But it was inconsistent and I never felt truly excited by any of it. I began to fear not that I could never pleasure a woman (though I'd be very inconsistent it would seem) but that I just did not enjoy sex. For the next few years after that, I dated here and there but made almost no effort to attempt sex. I told myself I'd wait to find a girl that really interested me and then I'd prove to myself that I liked sex.

A couple years after grad school, I met another girl. We dated for a little while and I thought maybe this was the girl I wanted. She was energetic, sexy and I really wanted to spend time with her. Things went great as long as I kept my porn watching to the weekends when we wouldn't see each other. I was still wildly inconsistent, but made up excuses when I didn't have it that I was only interested in pleasuring her. Things went along pretty well and we decided to move in together. That's where it all fell apart. Now living in close proximity, she expected more frequent sex, was fairly aggressive about it and often complained that she would always initiate it. My anxiety went through the roof because it just wouldn't work often enough. I came to know that I may be able to have sex every third day, but if I tried more than that I'd end up soft and disappointing her. I'd go back to my method of edging on days I thought she'd want to have sex so I'd be able to perform, but that method did not work for very long. Even when I would look at her butt and get turned on, I'd lose it sometimes before I could even walk across the room to where she was.

For the first time, I kept looking into the eyes of a girl I cared about and saw disappointment on a regular basis. She started asking me if I still thought she was pretty, and I knew what that meant. I started to get depressed. I'd skip working out at the gym, my work performance suffered, I became irritable and some of my friends at work even commented on how miserable I was. They all thought it just wasn't working out with my girlfriend, but how could I tell them the real problem? But I know when I would feel virile: when I was in front of that fucking screen. Now armed with a smart phone, I became bolder. I'd watch porn on mute on my phone while my girlfriend watched tv in the same room. I'd watch porn when she was gone to the point where I'd be late for work. Hell, a couple times I tried to pull up a porn movie while driving - only to give up in angry frustration when the loading time was too long. I'd even leave work "sick" so I could get home before she did so I could watch.

We grew apart and fought more frequently. She'd ask me if I wanted to have sex with other women. In fact, she told me a couple times she wanted me to do just that. She'd keep telling me that she knew I cared for her but was disturbed at my total lack of emotion or real interest in my job and life in general. She knew I'd go out of my way to do anything for her, but she never felt that I was interested in a real connection. Ultimately she broke up with me and I moved out. Looking back on it, she is a good girl who cared deeply for me and I get emotional when I think about how much I hurt her. I remember her crying when she listed all of these good qualities I had, but said she just could never feel like I actually cared about her. "I know you love me, but I just don't feel that's true."

I finally turned to google. There had to be an answer out there. I found and read through the materials. Finally something made sense. I read through the materials for hours and much of it fit me. I watched videos, read success stories and thought I finally found what I've been looking for. Then I cried. I mean a deep, face twisting, painful, can't breathe cry. I did this to myself and never knew it. I was so mad at myself, at porn, at the world. I wanted so badly to tell my ex that it wasn't her, but these fucking pixels I never knew were messing up my life. Part of me wanted to do it because I felt like I did wrong by her - like I hurt her self confidence by acting the way I did - and I wanted to make sure she knew it was my fault. Another part of me hoped we could give it another shot when I was "better." But I just haven't been able to bring myself to tell anyone about what I'm going through until this post. Nor could I fairly ask her to hold on until whenever I think I might be "normal."

---end of long story---

I'm 22 days PMO free today.

I've had trouble sleeping since I started. I can fall asleep, but will wake in the middle of the night (usually after about 5 hours in) with a faster-than-normal heart rate and can't go back to sleep. Lately that has gotten a little better where I will still wake up but have an easier time going back to sleep after a few minutes. Sometimes I will wake up again, but those instance are rare. I've also started dreaming again, which I don't remember doing for a long time, and I've started waking up with morning semi-wood. Not often, but I noticed its disappearance and welcome its return.

Initially my performance in the gym suffered greatly. I felt weaker and had far less physical endurance than I was used to. Lately my endurance is better and my strength is back fully. I also find myself performing better at certain exercises than I was before being PMO free with no real explanation as to why.

Earlier this week I started to finally feel awake. I'd always felt like I never got a good night's sleep and would walk around tired all the time. Now I actually feel awake and have energy throughout the day. My work performance has improved dramatically and people have noticed that I look and act differently. For a while, people at work said my battle cry was "meh." I hope to change that soon.

In terms of struggles, my brain constantly throws flashbacks at me. Some of them stay with me for a couple of minutes while others I can get rid of just by focusing on something else. The ones that tend to linger are the ones I get when my head hits the pillow at night. Additionally, when I take notice of a pretty girl, that seems to be my mind's cue to try and get a flashback in.

Also, a lot of my dreams now involve sex or violence. Initially it was entirely sex - sometimes involving a porn star and others involving people in my life - but only recently have I had violent dreams as well. In the first week or two, I'd wake from a sexually charged dream with a strong temptation to masturbate. I even tried it one time, but when the fantasy went away so did the tool. I woke up hard as a rock and couldn't even make it to an edge without that fantasy.

Other than that, I feel like I'm going strong. I feel like I'm in a flat-line period right now, but I'm ok with it because I know that's part of what I need to do to get better. And even though I have flashbacks, I think I'm still too angry to be tempted to look at porn. I watch a tv show with a romantic scene and I actually feel disgusted. I turned off one of the youtube videos from because the guy explaining what the porn scene contained pissed me off. It's like I feel betrayed by a close friend. I don't hope to hold on to that kind of disgust or anger because I don't think that's healthy either, but I'll take the help I can get at the outset.

I lost a lot because of this garbage. I wasted a lot of time I can't get back and ruined chances with some really great people. I don't know how things will work out for me, but I know they will work out PMO free.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Hi Dc6, it was great to read your story.  I can see a lot of similarities between your story and mine.  It is a tough battle that we all have to fight but it is possible with determination.

I wish you the best with your journey and hope you come out a winner.  I've been free of PMO for the last 9 days or so and I'm already seeing differences in my level of energy.  I don't know if I had ED but was experiencing something close to it.  This morning I finally had a great hard-on and realized that rebooting does work! It is only a matter of time and time spent away from self-destructive activities like PMO.

Cheers and all the best.


Hey Dc6, read your post and a lot of your struggles are close to home for me. I appreciate you putting it down and hopefully you are hanging in there. I felt the same way about seeing things on TV and feeling angry. Things I used to never notice. I'm like you it's not an option and I gotta see this through. I'm more angry at myself for letting this filth ruin my life up to this point. Thanks again!


26 days PMO free. I was planning originally to add to this once a week, but I had to share this update.

So this week has been miserable. Actual insomnia hit me like a ton of bricks. I've been trying anything I can to go to sleep and it's been a struggle. I've probably taken Zzzquil every night this week. I feel stressed out from so many different angles, I actually told someone that if I made it through all this without an ulcer or a heart attack, I'm indestructible.

You see, this week my ex told me she started seeing someone else. That was a kick to the stomach. I'd actually started feeling like this was making a difference in the way I saw her. I started getting some of those butterflies when I'd see her, which I haven't had for anyone in years. Then this announcement hurt bad. It felt like the rug was pulled right out from under me and I landed right on the back of my head. Between that and work and everything else I didn't know what to do. After thinking about it for a while, I remembered reading one of those inspiring stories in the uncle bob section of ybop where the guy was talking about getting into meditation. I thought that's exactly what I need with all the stress going on right now. So I started reading some materials and started some of the beginner practices they recommended. I actually enjoy it. Sitting there for about 20 minutes and just focusing on something that's not stressful was amazing. It didn't help at all with my sleeping, but afterward I did feel rewarded. I'm definitely interested in continuing the practice.

The urge to masturbate came right along with all the stress. Flashbacks, and other thoughts. Sometimes it was all I could think about. I wanted something, anything, to relieve all the stress that felt so much heavier than ever. Then yesterday I just got mad. I thought about how much of my life was spent with this garbage and got so mad I cried for a solid 5 minutes. I haven't been this emotional over such a short period of time since high school. Even people at work mentioned that it seemed like I cared and had energy and that they liked the "new" me. Them seeing a positive change in me amidst all I was dealing with felt great. It means I'm making real progress.

Then today I felt like I just hit a wall. I was crawling and even felt sort of sick. I figured it just had to do with the lack of sleep, but I had to finish out the day. Then it happened: I ran into this girl that I'd run into every now and then. She looked totally different to me today. She looked incredible. We had some brief interactions in the past and I always thought she was smart and fun - at least for the short times we spoke, but it was different today. I noticed her smile. When we spoke before she'd laugh at my jokes and smile, but I always wanted to just look at her butt or breasts. We talked, I flirted a bit and made a joke and she flirted back - laughing and grabbing my arm. I lit up like a christmas tree. It felt like an electric shock to the stomach. I was positive some of the guys were going to make fun of me because my face felt hot - like I must have been blushing hard - but they didn't seem to notice. After she left, I had an incredible amount of energy. I couldn't sit down. I felt like whenever I spoke to anyone for the rest of the day I was speaking at least 2-3 times as fast as I normally do and my brain was working so much faster. It was the most amazing feeling I've had in a long time.

Afterward, I fantasized about the next time I saw her. But instead of being about sex, the fantasies were about joking and flirting and asking her out, taking her out to dinner or going on a hike or.... It's been years since that was the main thing on my mind when I met a girl. I'm very excited about the next time I see her. But it's not a her-being-on-a-pedestal excited. It's not the type of obsession excited I'd have previously, but rather I'm excited because it feels like I woke up. It's like this one bit of contact, no matter what it leads to, has shown me that I've improved so much in the short time I've been PMO free, but also has given me the confidence in my ability to move on from my ex.

I don't know what the future holds and I don't care. My hands are literally shaking from the excitement I feel right now about the future, and I haven't felt any real excitement in a long time. If I have trouble sleeping tonight, it'll be - as much as this is possible - the good kind of can't sleep.


Well, when I read your last post, you're week doesn't seem that miserable!

I see more positive and that you are making consistent progresses. I think feeling bad is part of the process, it should reinforce your will to stay clean.

You seem enthusiastic about the future and it's great to read you for some of us who are feeling terribly pessimistic about the whole process.

When you have this mindset, you can also help others!


Day 35. It's crazy to think it's already been this long.

The past 9 days have been much easier - possibly because I was insanely busy at work and have barely been home. Also I think I've been less stressed in general, which is always nice. I haven't felt and cravings, and there have been fewer flashbacks, but I noticed what I think is my brain trying to outsmart me.

So I noticed that sometimes when I thought about the girl I mentioned above (asked her out but she has a bf. Oh well), my mind would drift sometimes toward sexual contact, but it was almost never a first-person fantasy. Sometimes I wasn't even sure it was her in the fantasy. I caught myself one time and broke it down. The fantasy was like I was watching a porn. It was another guy and a girl without a face but with long dark hair. I said why the hell would I want to imagine a girl I want to ask out having sex with another guy? I figured that must be a sign that my brain saw a weakness in my thoughts and tried to get a quick fix or worse.

The most noticeable difference is the energy. Even on days this week when I was totally exhausted and my body was shot from tough workouts, it felt like I had endless amounts of energy. It felt like I was moving 2-3x faster than everyone else in the room. This has been the most welcome change. I remember before being PMO free days when I was fully rested and slept well wondering why I just felt tired all the time. The world was grey and boring. I didn't want to do anything or go anywhere. Now I appreciate even the cloudy days, and I find myself taking interest in new things. But most of all I feel like I have the energy to live my life and I'm loving it.

I am still in a flatline but am more outgoing. I've also noticed myself semi-flirting with girls without really wanting to - meaning I'll go into one of those "smooth" voices and give little smiles more often without thinking about it. I went to a restaurant and just ordered food and after the girl took my order she said something to a female coworker who totally blew up her spot and told me the girl said I was very charming.

I keep with these novel-like entries lol. But this path is becoming more exciting and rewarding as time goes by and I'm so grateful for sites like this and ybop that helped me get this far. I still load up the uncle bob section of ybop every night before bed and read a couple tips and success stories. Because I still constantly find guys farther along than I who tell of results I'm excited to experience.


Day 43.

Another week down and plenty more to go. I was home sick from work all week, and needed ways to pass the time. Thankfully, there are some good on demand movies for free in my area. But i found myself checking this forum more often. Whenever I had a craving, reading some of the journals and answering the questions of others did well to shift my focus from wanting something to recognizing that it was exactly what i did not want.

I've noticed positive changes on the physical side. I had several morning erections this week after going through a couple weeks without a single one. I also had 2 erections during the day for no real reason, which hasn't happened in years. I find myself in general being more aware of that area of my body. It's more sensitive in general, which is pretty awesome.

I also find myself feeling less stressed even with the same amount of it in my life. I like to think I've gotten better at dealing with it, but I'd take it even if it's just that my PMO withdrawal stopped magnifying it.



Your journey is inspiring.  thank you for sharing. 

I definitely feel like I have been lacking motivation and general zest for living.  I feel like on PMO my life is like the color gray.  Since starting the recovery process, I feel a lot more like myself.

Don't ever give up.


63 days free.

It's been a while but things have been great lately. Of course I wouldn't say I'm cured but it feels like I'm really getting there.

As I said in a previous post, my penis has been incredibly sensitive of late. I actually MOd earlier in the week for the first time (no porn or fantasy of course) and I was consciously thinking about anything else (work, etc) just to see if I could on sensation alone. Instead of falling back into a flatline, my libido has been on fire. I find myself thinking "I want to have sex with this girl" even when the girl isn't in front of me. The other day I hit it off with a girl at a gathering and got a 8-9/10 hard erection just from texting her friend who said she was askin her what my deal was.

I also find myself really getting into music. Like it actually moves me. Inspires me to move my body or even gets an emotional response from me. I feel actual energy, intensity, and passion for life. I feel like I think faster - like life moves slower and thinking on my feet is easier. I'm working out harder and people have noticed my body changing. It's not like I'm a whole new person. I'm a better me.

I've read some people who wondered if a lot of the changes they saw were merely a placebo affect. I say it doesn't matter. If all of this could be from a placebo of fact, bring on more placebo effect.


77 days.

I haven't had an urge in so long I don't even remember when it was. As far as flashbacks go, every now and again the thought of a scene might come to mind, but it's fleeting and usually a single image.

I've been seeing this great girl for a couple weeks now and we had sex for the first time - the first time I had sex since I started rebooting. I had strong erections, was incredibly sensitive even with a condom on, and actually felt like I was there mentally for the first time I can remember. There was no fantasizing or anything like that. Only time I closed my eyes was when we kissed or in response to an intense feeling. After the first time, we talked and caressed each other and then we kissed and I was right back to a full erection. After a few more kisses, we had sex again.

Having sex shortly after orgasm was something I never thought I'd be able to do without porn back before i started my reboot. With my ex, I'd be lucky if I could orgasm through sex more than once every other day. Even then, I'd likely have to spend time edging to porn (unbeknownst to her) before I even gave it a shot.

I also wanted to just lay there with her. Previously that would have been a chore - like I did what I had to do and now wanted to go do something else. This was something else. I wanted to talk to her and touch her and just be in the moment. I'm not sure because I've never felt it before, but I want to say that's the type of connection I've been reading about.

My energy levels haven't dropped off either. I wouldn't say they've gone up any higher since the last time i spoke on it, but they are still certainly higher than before i started. I'm also far more focused at work and in my daily life. I haven't felt anything near the grey, depressed nonsense I went through while PMOing. My low point now is ecstasy compared to my high point back then. I find myself eager to do things after work or on weekends with friends that I'd previously have to be dragged to even if I spent the whole day relaxing. I used to think I was tired after a long week.

I used to never want to do anything. Just wanted to stay in and relax. I used to think I was just tired after a long week of work and going to the gym and wanted to rest up so I wasn't exhausted when the week started back up. Now the toughest part of my week is getting myself to sit down. I want to go out and do things.

I'm very grateful for everything this site and ybop does. Thanks for reading.


Just wanted to let you know I found your story really encouraging. Impressive progress man, keep it up.


124 days.

Been a while since I posted, but I haven't fallen off the wagon. I've been working a ton and spending more time with my girl.

So on to the changes: First, I feel safe saying my PIED is gone. I was pretty set on that about 3 weeks ago when we had sex 3 times in like a 6-7 hour window and I was still so sensitive the third time I had to try hard to control myself - all three with condoms. The only thing I've noticed is that when we do have sex several times in a day and then go a while without seeing each other, I feel a chaser effect. Not strong by any means, but it's like I want to masturbate, but I'm not necessarily horny. I don't get flashbacks anymore, nor do I have any urges to view porn - not even a curiosity about how it would be to watch anything like it. Love scenes in movies and tv shows don't turn me off anymore, but they don't turn me on either.

Focus is still very good. Energy levels are high. I still love just looking out at a nice view on a sunny day. Life doesn't feel grey, dull, and worthless. It hasn't since after a few weeks of no PMO.  I'm still enjoying experiences outside my home. In fact I'm rarely there anymore. Even though work and such has me exhausted, I'm still big on doing things and enjoying life. It's a great feeling.

I wanted to post this because i figured people might wonder what happened since I was so active and then disappeared. I wanted to assure you all that i am still going strong. You don't need this stuff. It's a waste. Drop it and move on with the rest of your life.