Someone help


Today is only my third day doing the reboot. My first day I experienced ED I flatlined. The day I actalluy began my reboot was completely the same. The beginning of my second day I also flatlined. Suddenly I keep feeling turned on and experiencing slight erections. Is this short flatline normal or should I expect another one? I made it a thing to overload on spinach as I hear it aids in Nitric oxide production. I have no stimulus. No music, candy, internet, or anything to overexcite the pleasure center in my brain. I'm attempting to force a hard reset in 2 weeks because deep down I want my girlfriend. Is my progreess good??


In my opinion, i don't think you are experiencing flatline, because it happened after a month or so. What i knew is you are experiencing "low dopamine receptor" because of porn using. Dopamine is hormone that kept us exciting. A little stimuli like a good eat will make us excited if we have enough dopamine receptor. But the case is, our dopamine receptors became very very little if we used porn regularly. called this "desensitization". It makes us less sensitive to our surroundings. And that is a terrible feeling, and i personally hated that really much. So, the solution is reboot


So is the issue of having a low dopamine receptor better than having a complete flatline? I have heard solutions involving a circadian reset and also doing activities that require more work rather than performing activities that provide instant gratification. Do you think my 2 week challenge is possible? And yes, it is strange, I don't find any situation exciting or really fun. My anxiety is gone completely. And I enjoy going to the gym more.