Anxiety Medication while Rebooting? (Thoughts?)


My regular doctor suggested I try said meds due to my anxiety, but warned me it would make my ED worse as the side effects effect sex drives. Just wondering every ones thoughts on this? Would it help me reboot and recover or would it only make rebooting harder and take longer? Honestly, anxiety medication would not hurt me to be on or at least try it to see if it helps, however, I don't want it effecting my reboot and making it even harder than what it is already.


Active Member
I don't think they're gonna really affect sex drive unless u take a high dose but they should be good for anxiety. I just started a low dose of luvox for my hocd is which really bad and havent really noticed anything yet prolly bc ive been on it for onlu 5 days...


Personally I would exhaust all other alternatives for awhile before starting medications. I'm not opposed to medication but if it can mess with your libido and you're rebooting it may be very difficult to gauge progress.

When I say exhaust other alternatives I mean other things which have be shown to help anxiety but without the side effects, such as intense daily exercise, meditation, increased socializing, perhaps even st johns wort or when needed benzodiazepine usage (provided it's not a daily need). Not that st johns wort or benzos aren't side effect free but from what I've found online it st johns seems to be a lot more forgiving than pharmaceutical SSRIs.

If SSRI induced libido/erection problems are reversible when you come off of them I wouldn't be too worried