Focus, Attention and Procrastination


For any of the success story authors or anyone who has done great in their conquering of PMO or hell anyone in general have you found that your ability to focus, attentiveness and also the reduction of procrastination in general has increased for the better? I'm 43 and I know I currently suffer from minor ADD, but I really wonder if PMO addiction is what could possibly be the cause of it. Honestly if this is true this would help my recovery advance a million-fold. I know the porn thoughts that cross in my mind almost seem to try to block what I want to accomplish goals-wise. Heh this question reminds me of the the Seinfeld episode when George swears off of sex all together and he becomes who becomes incredibly smart; remembers everything, hits a whole new level, etc.  ;D Does this really seem to be the case when you swear off of PMO?


Respected Member
Absolutely mate!
My energy, concentration and zest for life in general have all improved. Literally a new man!
I used to basically only get up in the morning to fap myself to porn. Refreshing the pages and scouring the net to find the best porn to beat myself to consumed most of my concentration. The highlight of my day was when i could bookmark a vid, then i knew id have something to pull off to later that day. Again. And again. Id feel like shit then go out and buy liquor, get rat arsed on cheap booze then wank the night away while zombie drunk.
I hated myself but couldnt stop. I lived for the Fap.
None of that now! Im getting so much more done with my days now!
Keep it going mate!


Thanks Fappy. I'm working on being a good boy. Longest I've been was two weeks, but I do keep relapsing with one excuse or the other. I know I have the strength, mental and physical to do this. The issue I seem to succumb to the worse is depression. Everything else I can block out. I get those debates of what's the point of life with all the bad stuff going on (that seems to be the biggest), people don't really give a crap about me, etc, etc. I won't go into details about my depression that's for another story. Finally getting off my ass and talking about this is giving me more incentive to quit. Anyone else want to share their mental success story? Thanks again Fap.


Hi, man with ADHD here!!!  First of all, ADHD is real and never goes away!  If you think you might have it go talk to a psychologist and perhaps get a diagnosis if you feel up to it.  Treatment is very good.

One thing I can tell you with certainty: PMOing makes it worse!!!  Far, far worse!!!

As someone with legitimate ADHD, I can tell you that
1.  I am naturally scatterbrained, somewhat
2.  I have a very short attention span, most of the time
3.  Have problems switching attention from one task to another
4.  Have some problems with impulsivity: making poor decisions without thinking, etc

And other ADD traits.

Now, what difference does it make when I PMO?  A huge one!

I am naturally quite an outgoing, friendly guy, with a reasonable amount of self confidence and self esteem. 

When I am PMOing heavily, all that goes down the can!  Just the shame of this huge secret in the closet and the impacts it has on my mind.

Oh, and wasting all of that time porning doesn't help with procrastination at all.

What can you look forward to by quiting?

Well, no matter what you will feel a huge increase in self esteem and self confidence within a few weeks of recovery.  You will also probably notice cognitive improvements: a better memory, better ability to focus.

A caveat: if you do truly have bona fide ADHD, you will not be perfect.  Medication can make a difference, but you will never be able to focus as well as people without. 

BUT, getting rid of the porn will help you to get around attentional issues effectively, finding other ways to get things done. 

Good luck!  ADD HIGH FIVE!!!