Tip: Gain more confidence with body language! [SFW]


Active Member
Hello everyone,

Today I would like to share with you this video about body language. I have pasted it below.
What I really liked about this video what we can use with our battle on porn and gaining more confident that we can do this with a small change!
Ever feel like you're not going to make the reboot? Apply this!
Feeling stressed about anything else ex. school, work, an important interview? Apply this!

There's much more, just give it a watch :)

I saw the same video a couple months back, and I can say that it really has helped me. Not just in my reboot, but in my social life as well. It's amazing what our body language and posture can do for us! Thank you for sharing this!


Respected Member
Shouldve watched this earlier!
Back in the porn junkie days i was a total social wreck! My body language consisted to shifty eyes, hunched shoulders and a constant scan for the nearest toilet in which to toss off.