A small thought of porn is a huge tidal wave


I started this topic based on the experience i had earlier today. Escaping a visual trigger is almost like giving a sip to a alcoholic or giving a puff to a smoking addict. Its very tough to escape that grip because we have an addictive stick attached to us all the time.
Eyes are the door to our brain.
I recently was on facebook. Sooo randomly on my news feed  i happen to see a semi nude pic. It was so a huge trigger for me. I became so vunerable. Its like a insta turn on. I already have been struggling with relapsing and chaser effect. I was heavily triggered. My brain even tricked me and i thought okay lets go for softcore and satisfy myself without PMO.
Before that i happen to read this book "interpretation of dreams" by sigmund freud. It spoke about sexual dreams..normal dreams. Construction of dreams. Temporary dreams. Setup dreams. Etc.
It was where i learned something.. Dreams are basically outburst of all the visual junk we hv.
We can call anything that comes to our mind when we close our eyes as a dream. Because its beyond our control.
A controlled dream is possible only in meditation.
I hope u guys r folllwing me...
Now as my mind is getting flushed with so many sexual tension. For first time in my life i tried to get away. By just shutting down my pc. Go to bed and closed my eyes.
I sensed my emotions. It was anger and rage... Then i sensed that. I felt like my brain is giving out waves in high tone.. Like a huge tidal wave.. I literally feel my brain twitching.as the wave increased it was Giving me random thoughts about porn and stimulate it. So i can go watch it. It begged me upto the extreme I coule even remember my first porn i ever watched. Did u get it? Its like a porn folder is opened and all the junk files r there for me. And the best of clips are coming to my mind. I couldnt control the thoughts. But i could control the body since my reasoning and logic brain is aware of the mind activity.. I couldnt multitask. My legs were twitching..my thighs were getting tight. But the peak didnt last. All that tension went upto a saturation point the wave came down by that gravity rule. Whatver goes up must come down..and i could sense my tide reduced slowly. The urge reduced temporarily. It took like 20 mins of suffering. And i was confident. I crossed day 1. I slept happily.
I suggest if at all u guys take a peek of porn. i want u guys to experience this closed eye awareness. U might discover ur perception of porn from ur experiences.


Respected Member
Nice post mate. Meditation and awareness techniques are certainly helpful to control urges.
I like the tidal wave imagery too. Except its not a wave if water, its one of jizz and feces
I can remember some of the first pornographic images I viewed as well. This was back in the days when there was no free porn and all I could get off on were the girls they showcase on the tour part of the site.

God I was pathetic.

Every time a dirty image pops into my mind's eye, I immediately stamp it out. Stomp on it like a fire. Don't stop until it is gone. Another helpful and slightly sadistic tip is to take the image and imagine some sort of dreadful violence upon it. I usually go with gender mutilation or dismemberment. Watch as the image writhes and withers away into oblivion.

This is what your attitude towards something as insidious and life-shattering as pornography should be like.

Solidarity, brother! 8)