

New Member
Guys ive been struggling with porn for the last two years. Initially i thoight that it is a harmless activity, but soon it became evident that porn use was badly affecting my academic and social life. I tried my level best to abstain but whenever i got a craving , i lost all rationale and resorted to PMO. I came across this website yesterday only, and when i read the posts especially about brain fog. I immediately began to identify with them. I always thought that PMO had a unique effect on me but coming across the posts has made me realise that i am not alone in this struggle, in striving for self improvement. Coming across this website has given me a new source of determination,  i hope you guys can help me and give me encouragement throughout this journey.  Cheers ?:)                                                     


Tackle it head on Aresenal. 90 days with No PMO. If you feel urges which we all do...just to differing degrees, go for a walk , take a shower, read a book or just involve yourself in something that can take your focus away from your desires.

It sounds as though you are young. Put porn in the past and you will lead a healthy sexual future. I've been involved with porn longer than you have been alive and let me tell you....2 failed marriages, 10's of thousands of dollars wasted and career advancements all went down the drain. It won't be easy but you can  beat this by starting today! Best of luck!