I'm in a bit of a bind. Rebooting with a partner


New Member
Hello everyone! I'll get right to it, so please bear with me.

I have schizophrenia and never leave home. I work from here and I haven't had any real human contact in over 12 years. That changed recently. I reconnected with a wonderful woman (thank Zeus for Facebook!) and we love each other, so I decided to allow her to come see me, a huge step for me. We have been seeing each other almost once a week or every two weeks for the last two months. Needless to say, things are getting more intense physically, but I found I couldn't get hard when we get close. I find it more and more difficult to get hard and stay hard these days, but with porn I can do it and usually orgasm with some effort. When I'm with her tho, it's just dead, nothing. Almost no response whatsoever.

I have been watching porn and MO for most of my life now. I'm 37 and I started MO at around 13 or 14. Heavy porn use at around 17. It only escalated from there. Nowadays I only M once a day, but my real question is:

How should I approach rebooting if my relationship with my partner is very sexually charged at all times, and we have grown used to sending each other sexual pictures and videos almost daily. We use those to MO together over chat. Almost every day.

I stopped using porn when I got closer to her, but it's almost like the porn was just replaced by her pictures. I need her pictures to MO now. But the good part is that I feel a lot of love connected to them, instead of just pure lust.

What can I do to reboot and regain my erections for our face-to-face encounters, without having her lose sexual interest in me if I cut off all masturbation with her over chat messages? I'm scared to suggest we cut all our online sexual interaction and limit it only to face-to-face time. I fear she will be disappointed and unsatisfied because it'll take a long while to recover for me and she won't be getting much pleasure out me during my rebooting period. She wouldn't be getting any satisfaction, nor online OR face-to-face!

I admit I don't want to stop this online thing. I love her pictures and the fact she feels so at ease with me and loves me enough to share them with me. Something she's never done before. Plus, I'm not sure I can cut down my MO to just once every two weeks when we see each other!

What do you all think? I really love this woman and I want to give her the sexual relationship she deserves and needs, but I'm not sure how to go about solving my PIED without affecting the relationship.



Active Member
I suggest stopping the sexchat MO'ing. It will just rewire your brain to that instead of porn and what you really want to rewire your brain to, is her in the flesh.
My suggestion is to explain this whole thing to her and if she accepts the problem and wants to help you deal with it, she is definately a keeper.
Have sex with her even if you can't get an erection, remember there are many ways to please her other that doesnt involve your penis. Make it about cuddling, kissing, groping and all about her, she will most likely enjoy that as much as "regular" sex and it will give you an ego boost as well and hopefully make you happy that you satisfied her.


Active Member
The reboot is not just about staying away from porn but it's about staying away from all forms of artificial sexual stimuli, MOing to pictures of her is the same as MOing to any other, there is no way that you will ever heal if you continue. The choice is as simple as masturbating to pictures of her or having sex with her.