Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome + Massive Porn user


New Member
Hi all,

I'm 36 this year (seeing that the year is coming to a close - I would just name the year - 2014). I have been a porn + prone masturbation addict since I was 13. For 23 years, I have been combining both addictions. Yes I started with dial up internet, it was crazy slow but I jumped on board the high speed internet the moment it arrived. I would often have multiple tabs open and edge while on my chair for hours and then finish it off prone at least 3 X a week.

I started having problems with real sex in my late 20s but I could always still get a rock hard erection after popping some pills like Levitra so I didn't think much of it. In my early 30s, I started feeling a drop in sensitivity but once again Levitra did the trick. Now I'm 36 and the pills don't work anymore. To make matters worse, I now have the most gorgeous girlfriend I have ever had and we are even  talking about marriage. However, no amount of seduction on her part has been able to get my flaccid member up and running. Yes, there were fleeting moments when it got maybe 40% wood but never more than that.

I have since read about the dangers of porn and TMS and have stopped any form of masturbation completely for 1 entire month now. However, I am still unable to achieve sufficient rigidity to perform intercourse. My question: is there anyone out there who is both a TMS + porn addict? How did you break free? Is there any hope for me?

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ ZiggyZigZag
My question: is there anyone out there who is both a TMS + porn addict? How did you break free? Is there any hope for me?

Hey man, Yes there are guys with both who have recovered. Yes there is hope. Read this page and the links/stories it contains for more -

Hope that helps. Welcome to the Nation


New Member
Thanks, I have been at no FAP (thats totally no masturbation at all) for the past 6 weeks now. But I still can't get it to respond to my GF at all. Its just limp. How long does it take before it starts functioning normally again? Would appreciate any help here :(


I was afflicted with the same dual condition, and have been free from pornography and masturbation since late 2015. I am in my late 30s, and still, after coming up on two years away from pornography and masturbation, have nowhere near recovered the sexual power and capacity I had in my mid 20s. I deal now with ED and PE. Things end within a few minutes at best. I may never return to hour+ sessions I enjoyed as a young athlete. I wonder whether I'll ever be able to make love for 30 minutes. Even 10 minutes of love-making with a strong erection would be in improvement from my current state. I must stay positive mentally, if nothing else.

I remember reading online the words of a professed yogi who advised for 7 years (!!) of sexual abstinence should a man ever climax before a female. I am starting to wonder if these words are wise and correct, in spite of all the bullshit to the contrary that permeates our culture.