My Story


New Member
Hi all!

I am new to this website. I have been checking out YBOP for the past couple of months and figured it was time to take the plunge into online journaling about it. Just this morning I have been reading many different journals/stories and it is very heartening to hear many people in the same situation as me!

I am currently 24 years old. I started looking at pornography when I was around 11 or 12 years old and it has led me to many encounters with prostitutes, and sexual fantasizing throughout the day. When I was in college, I would take "porn" breaks from doing homework. So, even on a "successful" day getting things done, I would still look at a lot of porn. I have also had "unsuccessful" days where all I can do is cruise porn site and masturbate. It seems like EVERYTHING is a trigger for me now!

I have a girlfriend now and want to stop using pornography. It really hurts her feelings when I look at it. It has been embarrassing to have to tell her about all the people I have paid to have sex with.

Thanks for reading!


Active Member
It will take you a lot of willpower but you can definitely do it! Inform yourself with the basics of rebooting on YBOP and good luck.  :p Hope your girlfriend will be supportive in this choice.