New Year - A perfect time for changes?


Happy New Year everyone!!!

Fact of New Year seems like a perfect way to change something in our life. Of course the fact that this is a New Year won't change much but i will still make a combo of both. I want to quit Porn since November. I struggled with several relapses but my goal is the same and now I want this to be year when i leave porn once and for all.
It will also be very easy to count days from now on  :) .

Be strong!


Respected Member
A positive start to the new year, yuri!
Try to make this year PORN FREE! a porn free 2015 and no excuses!


Active Member
I believe that on the 1st of January you are allowed to leave last years mistakes and negativity behind and start a new life, focusing only on the future and where you are going, not where you have been. Best wishes for the new year.