New Member
Hey rebooters,
My goal is 120 days without any variation of PMO. This is as part of my overall mission right now, which is to pull my life out of the gutter and to become a man I can respect.
I've been trying to quit for about 2 years now. When I first discovered YBOP and other resources, I thought that abstaining from PMO would be a panacea. Not the case. PMO for me isn't the underlying issue, as much as it is a destructive symptom/ coping mechanism that reinforces the core issues. I'm not a mentally healthy individual. Have been dealing with depression, anxiety and a general predisposition to addiction for about 5 -7 years. Even on the few occasions where I hit relatively high no-pmo streaks (30+ days), I would still be miserable and my life still a mess (but to a lesser extent). I've learned that white-knuckling this addiction in isolation isn't a sustainable solution, but addressing it directly as part of a larger strategy is still a necessity.
Living the way I have been isn't worth living at all. The plan is to overhaul my lifestyle, and go from a no-friends, no-income basement troll to a mentally and physically fit guy with a healthy social life who's on track to a successful career by the end of the summer. As far as my mental health, I will focus on implementing key lifestyle daily habits proven to bolster mental health (including no pmo), and therapy to fix my destructive cognitive patterns.
Will have a link to a google spreadsheet where I track my no pmo progress in my signature (may have other habits also), and I'll try to check in here at least a few times a week to encourage others and elaborate on progress. I'd definitely appreciate any support I can get from you guys.
Cheers and good luck to all,
My goal is 120 days without any variation of PMO. This is as part of my overall mission right now, which is to pull my life out of the gutter and to become a man I can respect.
I've been trying to quit for about 2 years now. When I first discovered YBOP and other resources, I thought that abstaining from PMO would be a panacea. Not the case. PMO for me isn't the underlying issue, as much as it is a destructive symptom/ coping mechanism that reinforces the core issues. I'm not a mentally healthy individual. Have been dealing with depression, anxiety and a general predisposition to addiction for about 5 -7 years. Even on the few occasions where I hit relatively high no-pmo streaks (30+ days), I would still be miserable and my life still a mess (but to a lesser extent). I've learned that white-knuckling this addiction in isolation isn't a sustainable solution, but addressing it directly as part of a larger strategy is still a necessity.
Living the way I have been isn't worth living at all. The plan is to overhaul my lifestyle, and go from a no-friends, no-income basement troll to a mentally and physically fit guy with a healthy social life who's on track to a successful career by the end of the summer. As far as my mental health, I will focus on implementing key lifestyle daily habits proven to bolster mental health (including no pmo), and therapy to fix my destructive cognitive patterns.
Will have a link to a google spreadsheet where I track my no pmo progress in my signature (may have other habits also), and I'll try to check in here at least a few times a week to encourage others and elaborate on progress. I'd definitely appreciate any support I can get from you guys.
Cheers and good luck to all,