17 days and Wondering


New Member
Almost 3 weeks ago I came across, no pun intended, Reboot Nation, YBOP, NoFap and other similar websites. As I read the forums I realized I have an addiction to PMO and said addiction is very probably the root cause of my performance "issues". I researched and read a few articles about the desensitizing effects of internet porn but never pursued additional information. 

Many years ago I began exploring the internet for companionship because of my wife's work schedule. When we first met we had a very active and pleasurable sex life but due to her job and the middle aged female hormonal problems her interest in sex has waned. On the rare occasion she's in the mood, I've had problems performing.

I now understand that my inability to perform could be partially to blame for her lack of interest so I've committed myself to resolving and rebooting my brain. Since I began this journey on Dec. 16th, I've read many posts from men and women with PMO addictions. Some are encouraging while others are more depressing. As I learn more and more about this self-imposed affliction I realize that rebooting my brain could be a long, drawn out endeavor.  The funny thing is that even though I realize my reboot could take a considerably long time, I will make it through to my very different "happy ending".

Watching the TedxGlasgow video on youtube.com was enlightening. It's probably the only time in recent memory that I'm happy to be a 50 something since our reboot time could be shorter than a 20 something. As I learn more and more about this sexually unhealthy phenomenon I'm happy I found some help.

God Bless You All and Keep Fightin' Day by Day!


Respected Member
Good stuff! Youve got a lot of support here at the Nation with many in similar situations as yours.
Ask any question you like and im sure youll get some great advice!
Perhaps start a journal about your recovery process? It helps to focus the mind and can be an inspiration to others