Is it PIED?

Im 16 and was addicted to PMO since 12. I've never had anything dirty with girls but they seem interested im just sort of awkward sometimes  :p . I used to PMO everyday for over 2 years straight but have slowed down this past year, I have done it only 3-7 times a week and was VERY hard to contain myself from it everyday. These past 6 months though i have sort of slowed down a little and these past 4 months im not as interested and dont get hard as much anymore. I've woke up with wood, but its only been about 10 to 20 percent. Also ive only had random ones around 1 to 5 times a day. I can get hard with or without P but it requires constant stimulation and is much easier with P. i have gone a week now without PMO and i dont feel any urges at all. I have been having dreams with girls lately though. Im confused. I used to get hard and aroused 24/7 easily until these past few months.... Help me! Also another thing I havent had a 100% hard one in over 2 weeks. Someone please tell me what to do so I can have some peace!!


Consider yourself lucky you caught this so early

DO NOT watch any artificial stimuli (facebook hotties, porn, playboy, hot girls on instagram, google images nudes etc)

That's 100% the golden rule. Nothing else is as important as no artificial stimulus

No masturbation will probably help but I think in your case it may not be a big deal if you do it once in awhile (once every week or 2)
Ok thanks your reply really helps me feel better. I started out with M to just thoughts, then got to pictures, then videos, then hardcore videos, etc. until it wasnt like it used to be and I was just doing it to do it. I found out about pied and I have stopped for a week so far and I dont have any urges to PMO right now. If it was 6 months ago I would have been raging not going this long!
Ok so today it has been exactly a week. I said it was a week yesterday but today i counted and its a week today. I think I hit the flatline today cause now I have nothing at all.


Ineedhelppp said:
Once im recovered fully, will i get rock hard like i was before? Also will i have a high sex drive again?

Yes and yes
Ineedhelppp said:
Once im recovered fully, will i get rock hard like i was before? Also will i have a high sex drive again?

Definitely yes. I've never had erections like the ones I've had since I quitted porn. Really, the more the time goes on, the harder and longer-lasting they get.  8)
Ok just a quick update. I've gotten a lot better after over 20 days with no PMO! I decided to mo with no p after that and it felt good. Then I waited a few days and decided to do it again. After that I waited about a week and decided to PMO... That's where I think I made a mistake. Since then, a few days after i had an O in my sleep. A week letter with no PMO and I have another wet dream.... And then the next day, nothing. But the day after that, another wet dream! I haven't been turned on by barely anything for over 2 weeks. Hardly any erections and no interest in any girls like usual. I liked this girl for a long time but these past few days I haven't been interested almost none even though she's been all up on me. I feel upset now because a ton of girls are into me and I have nothing.... Someone help. Btw this is the first times I've ever had a wet dream.
I've had no feeling of love or lust this week... Well almost haha I have had just a little interest in one girl but it usually would be a lot more.
This is really frustrating. Before all this i used to get E's and want to do everything I saw. I started losing my drive and E's when I decided to stop watching P about 6 months ago. I would do on and off days to make it easy. Ex: PMO a day, don't do it a day, PMO a day, don't do it a day. You get the point. A while after that (at least a month) I started not even wanting to PMO and didn't care and I lost MW and barely got E. That's when I did research and found this. Ever since in the past 2 months I only PMO'd once and just mo about 3 times. Since I feel like I have had no libido or anything and it's making me mad. Do you think I messed it up with the on off days? I want to be how I was before.
All I want to know is, is it possible to not have pied until I actually stop PMO?? I didn't have these problems at all until I started taking breaks from p. I don't have any lust anymore!! Can someone please respond!


Active Member
I read through your whole thing, and I can really relate with you. I just turned 17 a week ago and for me, it also started with weak morning wood and stimulating my penis and porn are the only ways for me to get hard. I'm on day 6 now, and after having done a lot of research I am 100% convinced that no PMO for a while will change everything. It doesn't just give you better erections, it also makes you feel more attracted to real life women. God damn it, porn makes you look at girls so differently. Like girls are some sex objects. I do like some specific girls in my class, like girls i would date, but I can't remember the last time I actually fell in love. All I gotta say is, don't worry about your erections, because they will only get better. I heard most people got their morning wood back within the first months without PMO. And btw, your question: "is it possible to not have pied untill i start pmo" is not true. See it like this. Your brain is trained to get erections from porn. Especially since your 16, your brain is still developing and porn developed with it. (I mean you watched it everyday since you're 12). The reason why you might have erection problems after stopping porn, is because other ways of stimuli (like fantasies about girls, pictures etc.) are not enough. Your brain is used to porn, which stimulates your brain a lot, probably a lot more than fantasies for example. And that's exactly why you need to do no pmo. You need to train your brain by not watching porn and masturbation. A possible scenario could be that when you are about to have sex with a girl, and she's naked on the bed, you can't get an erection because it's simply not enough. You are used to hardcore internet porn. That's why you need to do this. It might take a while. But it will work. And I'm not there either. Day 6, at least 130 more days to go, but we will get through this, together :)


Ineedhelppp said:
All I want to know is, is it possible to not have pied until I actually stop PMO?? I didn't have these problems at all until I started taking breaks from p. I don't have any lust anymore!! Can someone please respond!

That's just part of the flatline, you'll feel like shit for a while and have absolutely no sexual desires of any kind. This is just part of the recovery process though, so yes you MUST stop PMO completely if you're serious about recovering. Ideally you should quit porn forever. That sounds pretty crazy, but since I've quit in January I have had no serious urges to go back now that I know how horrible it is for my brain.

Last year I would have never thought in my wildest dreams that I could go more than a few days without P or PMO, and now I'm just shy of two months. Shooting for 90 days.