Small Win

Last night I had a terrible time sleeping. I laid in the bed trying to fall asleep for about 6 hours and only got about 2 hours of sleep. Never in my life have I been in the bed for quite that long before actually falling asleep. A month ago, I know exactly what I would have done to ease the situation: PMOing. Don't believe I didn't think about it and get really tempted. To make matters worse, I had to return to work for the first time in two weeks and that method had done wonders for me in the past. However, this time I told myself to focus on the long term goal of getting through the hard 90 (currently at 28 days) and that even if it meant no sleep I couldn't let that derail me. I was able to overcome the temptation and I feel like the uplifting feeling from that has energized me so far during my work day.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a big win to me!!  Good job!  haha  those types of nights are hard not to PMO.

You try to convince yourself otherwise, but the next day when you're thinking about it you realize it's so worth it to not PMO..


Respected Member
You kicked that urge right in the testes! Thats a win for you!
I too would have used the insomnia as an excuse to fap to porn. As if my brain had intentionally set me up with a sleepless night.
But ive since stopped listening to that part of my brain.
Keep it up mate!