Addicted to porn


Hi i need help im from chile im  addicted to porn since 13 now im 20, sorry for my bad english all my knowledge of english i got from internet. i never had sex, the last year i go trough a spiritual process i was doing sport every day(running) i became raw foodist and all the things was going great but still i masturbate every day somedays 2 or 3, idk what happen exactly but  try many times to stop masturbating many times but when passed like 5 days weird things occur, i get scared so i masturbate then those things begin to happen more i got  crazy then, after that i got an injury on my knee and i stop running like 3 months ago happen that now  change my diet because i dont care about nothing, i feel empty i see series to pass the time. Really i really appreciate if someones show me some articles for helping me, its difficult for me read in english and i dont see any forum like this in spanish however i will try to find exactly which threads can help me,  sorry for the inconvenience, regards. also sorry for my bad english i have to use the google translator

Chaos Mind

Active Member
Hey omnstar,

don't worry, your English really is good enough to understand your problem. And you are able to talk about your problems - that is the most important thing. Take some minutes to watch this video:

And here you have the speach translated into Spanish

That will help you a lot for the beginning!
Tu ingl?s no es extremamdamente malo. De hecho, es lo bastante bueno como para comprender todo lo que quieres expresar.

Ahora, con respecto a lo que planteas, creo que ya es bastante obvio que ten?s que dejar de ver porno. Borr? todos los archivos porno que teng?s en el computador y los marcadores de esas p?ginas web que ya sabemos. Ocup? tu tiempo libre. Muchos de nosotros siente la necesidad de masturbarse cuando no est?n haciendo nada. Cuandi te vengan a la mente esas ganas de ver porno, hac? todo lo posible por resistirlas y busc? algo m?s productivo para hacer.

Te sugiero que dej?s de masturbate por un tiempo, tal vez uno o dos meses --o lo que cre?s que sea necesario-- y te relacion?s m?s con tus amigos. Lo de los amigos te lo digo porque hay muchos quienes se sienten un poco deprimidos durante un tiempo despu?s de que eliminan el porno de sus vidas.

Alentate y que te recuper?s pronto de la rodilla.  ;)

P.D.: no soy ni argentino, ni chileno, ni uruguayo. Jaja.


Chaos Mind said:
Hey omnstar,

don't worry, your English really is good enough to understand your problem. And you are able to talk about your problems - that is the most important thing. Take some minutes to watch this video:

And here you have the speach translated into Spanish

That will help you a lot for the beginning!
thnx that video help me alot,now im decided to stop watching the porn


The320Pilot said:
Tu ingl?s no es extremamdamente malo. De hecho, es lo bastante bueno como para comprender todo lo que quieres expresar.

Ahora, con respecto a lo que planteas, creo que ya es bastante obvio que ten?s que dejar de ver porno. Borr? todos los archivos porno que teng?s en el computador y los marcadores de esas p?ginas web que ya sabemos. Ocup? tu tiempo libre. Muchos de nosotros siente la necesidad de masturbarse cuando no est?n haciendo nada. Cuandi te vengan a la mente esas ganas de ver porno, hac? todo lo posible por resistirlas y busc? algo m?s productivo para hacer.

Te sugiero que dej?s de masturbate por un tiempo, tal vez uno o dos meses --o lo que cre?s que sea necesario-- y te relacion?s m?s con tus amigos. Lo de los amigos te lo digo porque hay muchos quienes se sienten un poco deprimidos durante un tiempo despu?s de que eliminan el porno de sus vidas.

Alentate y que te recuper?s pronto de la rodilla.  ;)

P.D.: no soy ni argentino, ni chileno, ni uruguayo. Jaja.
gracias por el apoyo me has descrito lo que exactamente me ocurre jaja Saludos

pd: canada?


first day completed, one moment i was halucinating with entering to a porn site and masturbate like 10 secs but then i realize that i was going wrong  and suddenly i got my conscious back

Chaos Mind

Active Member
You should consider write your own journal:

You can update your progress of reboot and share your thoughts with others there :)


Active Member
Hola Omnstar,

thank you for sharing. It is a very good thing to do. And don't worry, the language doesn't matter at all here. Si necesitas aiudo o quieres escribir en espanol tienes bastante gente que lo comprende.

Start you journal, tell us your story and let us take part in your progress - you have all it takes:


you CAN DO IT!



Well-Known Member
It's ok with the language barrier. At least you're trying.
Porn and learning another language are difficult.
I'm just glad you're doing what you can to be successful.
All the best wishes  8)