Wife's respone to reboot



I've never been so committed to a reboot. Several weeks in and feel great. Strong in my resolve and no issues abstaining. Something shifted  inside and ive woken up. I've got it at a whole new level which is awesome. My wife is supportive and loves me dearly. I'm a lucky man.  Yet she says if we can't have intercourse she doesn't want anything. No kissing.  No making out. No pleasuring her. She says she doesn't want any 'rules' for intimacy. I'm just telling her no orgasm for me but all else is ok. I don't get it. She's says I need to respect her decision that if there are rules she doesn't want to participate in anything. I'll respect that as she is supporting me. That being said, it doesn't make sense to me that she's so set on all or nothing. I was hoping that she would welcome the increased intimacy and attention and frankly I want the pressure of sex off my shoulders for a while as I continue to heal.  I'm thinking of it as dating again and how wonderful it will be when I'm fully back in the saddle so to speak and what a positive difference it will make in our relationship. I'm already feeling closer to her and the natural attraction is coming back. Thoughts?


Active Member
I really wish I had some input, but I got nothing on this one...  Good luck with the reboot just the same.




Respected Member
If youre already feeling good and can feel the reboot working then just stay with it?
After a while as the reboot continues your wife will notice a great change in you ;D naturally you will both feel more intimate and in the mood (for sex).
Just ride it out and look forward to it!


Thanks for the encouragement Fappy.  I'm committed to the process regardless.  I am sad however that it seems that at least for my wife sex ultimately means having intercourse.  That's not the kind of pressure I need right now. That being said, she didn't ask for the pressure of having to deal with my past porn addiction either.  Keeping my head high regardless.


Active Member
Fappy is correct. In the long run the reboot will bring all kinds of great changes to your life....  even ones you weren't expecting.  You will both be better off in the long run.

And don't beat yourself up too badly about her dealing with a past porn addiction.  Porn does not come with a warning label informing you of the side effects up front.  I didn't know porn could become an addiction and I lose control of my junk in the bedroom.  Besides, there are still millions of men who refuse to take responsibility for their addiction.....  you on the other hand have made a choice to deal with it and share the issues with her.  That is commendable.



Steam rolled

Active Member
Bravo wife !!

wish i could have done that but i knew i couldn't go without having all of him.
we didn't realize how much we really wanted each other because he was to busy with PMO and being a stranger!!
so even after his quitting we continued to battle flat lines along with pain and  causing huge anxiety on both ends.
so i see it as all we did was make this process LONGER and painful !!!!

If i could turn back time i would do it your wife's way in a heart beat!

Good luck!


Thanks for the support, Poker.  Steam Rolled.  Your anger is recognized and understandable.  That being said what you don't know is that my wife knew of my on and off struggles going in, she was never in the dark and I never lied to her about it.  What you also don't know is what issues she brought to the relationship.  There is no excuse for my part in this, I own my part 100% - the beauty of this is neither of us blame the other.  Blame and anger simply breeds resentment and does not contribute to her healing or mine. 

I've read your posts as you've made abundantly clear your hurt and anger regarding what your husband was doing behind your back. All that being said - as someone in the mental health helping profession myself - I know that relationship issues are also never one sided.  Projection and blame doesn't do a relationship any good.  I also know for a fact that if a couple is going to make it.. both have to own their own dysfunction (addiction, codependency, or both) and commit to working on it individually and then go deeper as a couple. Rarely will you find an addict who isn't codependent or involved with someone who is. There are no victims in my relationship.  We both recognize our dysfunctions and we are both committed to our own growth and discovery, as individuals and a couple.

Steam rolled

Active Member
All im saying is i feel if we refrained from effection and O for awhile ( even a week) this may have been less painful on both of us even him! And less anger may have been brought into this with persisting.
And i have been nothing but a faithful house wife!! Never sneaky.
He even admits it. So yeah pissed!

Honestly wish you the best!



Active Member
Hey Soul Inspired,

I think your wife is doing what she believes is best.  I know that my wife has a strong libido and my time in PMO has deprived her of a lot of intimacy and sex where we were concerned.  Once I faced my addiction, I tried to make it up to her, and for a couple of years, it was great.  Then I backslid again, and we're starting over in some regards, but she's open to sex, and I feel it's better for us to engage in intercourse than baby-step the process because she's not very patient with the whole foreplay/cuddling thing.  She, too, believes that it sorta sucks to get all worked up and aroused and then not have the payoff.  I get that - she's suffered enough from my misdeeds, so why make her follow all the rules of MY rehab? 

Instead, I let her determine what she feels like doing.  We are wired differently when it comes to sex anyway - we like different things, kinks and such, but we've managed to compromise and find a rewarding sex life?when I am sober from PMO. 

All this to say, I don't think your wife is trying to make this difficult for you, she's trying to make it manageable for herself.  There's a lot of pain and confusion in this for our spouses and significant others.  My wife understands addiction, having seen it in others close to her, so she doesn't think I'm using excuses or blowing my situation out of proportion but she expects me to stay in recovery and be open and honest with her about anything that could sidetrack progress.

Be open with your wife.  Let her know how much you want to connect and be intimate with her, but give her the space she needs to feel comfortable too.  Like it or not, we've disappointed and hurt the ones we love.  They need to heal.  We help them by taking them along for our journey to recovery, but without making them live through every vivid step of it.  Make sure she knows about the landmarks, about what is really important, and that you're available to her, be it for cuddling, foreplay, her pleasure or the two of you to be intimate.  She'll appreciate the honesty and the room you're giving her to heal, i think. 

Keep up the good work and keep the channels of communication open.  My biggest mistakes have been hiding things from my wife.  Hiding is where we invariably go wrong.  Gotta live in the light, because the shadows always seem to get us.

Hope this helps, and hope I haven't spoken out of turn.  Our situations just sound somewhat similar so I wanted to share my experience.  Don't take what I've said without a healthy grain of salt.  You know your situation and your wife best.  Just wanted to give you some perspective from a fellow weary traveller. 

And Steamrolled gives us great insight here too, being on the spousal side of the PMO addiction.  It helps to understand how the ones we've hurt really feel.


Staff member
Perhaps, in this struggle, no contact makes her feel more secure in your recovery.  You won't be tempted to O and she won't be tempted to ask you to O.  Believe it or not, for us our husbands level of turn onedness helps us be turned on too.  So when my husband would say this is just for you it did not allow me to do things to and with him.  That may be the situation.  The other is sometimes we need time to be sure "the harem" is not still roaming around in your head.  I think most of us with a PA partner would say that at least some of the time we wonder if there is instant replay happening in your head during any time of caressing, kissing and sex.  And it affects us. 

So don't be too concerned, she is trying to help you and get her brain wrapped around what is going on and how to deal.  Remember both parties involved do not have any experience in this recovery.  It is a new thing.



Thank you, both, Gracie and Dharmabum, for your well thought out and supportive responses.  Strong in my recovery.  Best in health to both of you.