Delayed ejaculation, then ED, then performance anxiety. NEED HELP PLEASE!


well I had been for a month or so then decided I mo'd like 4 or 5 days before it happend which I was worried about  but I think it helped meant I was super built up but still had enough days for recovery. My MO has been stretched like doing it once over a 2 - 4 week period. Also chaser effect is very real so watch it. It almost got me but I managed to get back on track.


DAY 57

57 days since I last MO's and still no ejaculation during sex  :(, also feeling a little more desensitised than a couple of weeks ago. I think I'm going to aim for the 90 day mark, then maybe start MO'ing but not regularly. Does anyone think this is a good idea or is the best way to go complete abstinence until I eventually am able to finish during sex with my SO? If anyone who has been through DE issues before could help, I'd really appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
I fixed mine through 60 days of no pmo.... but when i relapsed... i didn't try to kegel or tense up my pelvic floor but i ended up with DE again after 3 sessions. I think i may have a tight pelvic floor or something through excessive tensing/kegeling when masturbating. May need to see a specialist to fix this.


Well-Known Member
Found this on a forum...
''There are 2 different ones but you won't be able to isolate them from the beginning. So just pee and try to improve the force of the stream, push it out. thats the muscle. Also try pushing a fart at the same time. After a while you will learn how to do this without flexing the abs and isolate them one by one.

Another thing, do you also have to use kegels to get the last urine out of the bladder? Most of the people who masturbated this way has to. This should go away after a couple weeks reversed kegels. Even though you're only relaxing and stretching the muscles with reversed kegels try doing them every other day or so. The muscles still need rest. Visit the PEgym thread called reversed kegels for good tutorials and the benefits from them''

Basically the way to fix this is from reverse kegels... but it may take time i need to focus on isolating mine as i have the symptoms above... my penis twiches after ejcaulation.


DAY 76


Yesterday, me and my SO were in bed together and I finished without any M to finish myself off! So happy!

Hopefully this isn't just a fluke and is the start of something great :) Thanks to everyone on here who ever responded to my annoying posts and answered my questions.

Just wanted to summarise my issues and the rewiring process I went through to get to this point in the hope that it will help other guys on here...


I'm 26 and was a virgin until getting with my gf about 6 months ago. I quickly realised I had a problem when I had problems getting it up, and when I did, it didn't last or I could go for ages and not finish.

My SO thought this was because of her or me not being attracted to her etc, and really wanted to see me finish. This basically lead to performance anxiety issues as soon as I got my hands on a condom - which made matters even worse. I think I associated the condom with it being "show time" and was worried that I couldn't perform for her, which meant I lost the erection.


In the first 3 months of us being together I only fapped 4 times  (twice to porn) which is good for me considering it used to be a daily occurrence. The last time was new year's day. Although I was having sex with my SO, I wasn't M'ing at all - it has taken me almost 3 months to reach this point now. I also avoided P completely.

The first 6 weeks were pretty horrible - I had mood swings and felt like I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. What's worse is, I felt like my SO was losing patience and might lose me - In hindsight, I might have been paranoid which could have been part of the mood swings.

I persevered. I kept spending time with my SO and cuddling, kissing and having sex. I definitely felt an increase in sensitivity after a month or so, but this swung with the mood swings as I hit a flat line. By the way, every night after a shower, I was also moisturising my penis to protect it and to help increase sensitivity.


We had been using condoms most of the time, but my sensitivity massively increased when we didn't. When I finished I pulled out. Not the safest way to do it and I'll try to use condoms in the future as my sensitivity (hopefully) improves more.

To summarise how I overcame the following issues:

> sensitivity issues: moisturise, no fapping whatsoever
> performance anxiety: didn't use a condom (do this one at your own risk)
> DE - rewired through abstaining from my hand, watching porn and spending time (in bed) with my SO

Hope this helps a few people. I'll give another update in a couple of weeks or so as my recovery continues.

Cheers, M