Advice needed. Which article should i have her read first?

Ok...So i want to stop looking at porn (again). In my first experience i went through flatline periods, the withdraws and such--they suck, so i know what im up against. I met a new girl and things are awesome, except the first time we had sex i had a bit of ED (from porn obviously). In order to cure the ED i have to quit porn, but in order to get over the hurdle i probably have quite a long period of flat lining ahead of me. My question to everyone is what would be the best article from (or anywhere else) to explain everything to her in a nutshell. I don't know if its this way for most men, but its awkward and embarrassing as hell to explain this stuff to your sex partner. Thanks for your help.

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ DeoVindice91
My question to everyone is what would be the best article from (or anywhere else) to explain everything to her in a nutshell.

Hey bro, the talk is very difficult I know... I remember weeping, choking on my words explaining what was behind my inability to get an erection and feel arousal for my girl. It can bring a man to his knees in a puddle of tears.

There are so many articles to start with... but one that I wrote specifically talks about how the problem has nothing to do with our partners attraction. It was a article I got to write for Huffington Post here:

Now, for one of the best articles to start with to explain what is going on, and that it is a physical problem and not a psychological one, have her read this:

As far as advice for her and on helping you through the reboot phase show her this one:

Then, if she wants to watch some informational videos, show her all the videos on the home page of our site.

Hope that helps. Hope the best for you.

Much Love
