Rick's Journal


Active Member
I think we tend to be way too hard on ourselves, and its easy to do with all the messages we hear about ourselves over our lifetimes.  You don't have to live in one country or another to have that same experience.  My anger has been turned outward rather than on myself, and transforming the upset I often feel into a more useful emotion and energy is challenging, and I wish I had a bunch of answers.  Guys find peace in meditation, prayer, walking in nature - all kinds of activities and places.  I often think they are doing great and then they turn up here.  That isn't a criticism in any way, it is just the realization of the reality that we all, no matter who we are, have tough times and very few people escaped unscathed and even when things seem to be going smoothly on the outside, there is turmoil behind the curtain, so to speak.  If one thing I hope to learn while I'm on this forum, aside from how to regain my boners by not watching porn, is to how to live without anger at myself or others.  The way the world is structured is so difficult to do this because we are disempowered at every turn, and must deal with forces - social forces, economic forces, political forces - not of or own making and yet we get stuck with them.  We often think it will be better somehow, somewhere else.  But it's the same everywhere.  Regular people just want to live their lives with people around them they can love and who can and will love them back.  We are looking for those people.  They are looking for us.  People doing hookups are generally looking for the same thing, although I get there are people who just want to sport fuck and not have any connections, or at least that is what they might say.  Underneath they want that connection and aren't finding it either so they put up the whole facade.  I wish I knew where to find those guys who want to settle into a long term relationship.  But I think one thing I have learned about that.  If we have the knowledge of ourselves, and live that, it will become known to others.  Maybe its radiowaves or projection or whatever, I don' t know.  Living porn-free opens up our sensitivity to those putting out the same message regardless of whether it is at work, at the market, at the gym, or the shoe store.  We have to be open to receiving people's unspoken messages and then reply, either in language or vibration or a long look in the eyes.  I'm blabbing on and on but putting yourself out there as we are doing I think will bring those people near us that we want to find.  Hiding in our rooms behind the computer screen with images of people having all kinds of wild sex doesn't put us out there where those other guys are.  I've come across some of the most amazing dudes right here on this site in the past two weeks (already!) that I've been here.  I know there are people walking around near where I live my life that are just as amazing.  I just haven't been open to seeing them because I've been spending my time whacking it in my house.  I guess just getting out of the house and being where people are - places where we like to be, we should find like-minded guys.  I don't know what I'm talking about, do I?  lol  Well at least my head is thinking, which it has not done before.  I just hope some day soon my boner works and my sex drive returns because I'm going to need it. 


Well-Known Member
Great post, Ready2go. I agree we need to get away from our computers in order to find the right interests and people. I even think this applies to RN. It's good to check in , but don't sit here all day. Lets make today, Sunday, about getting out of the house and engaging life. I'm logging off right now!


Doing really well here...took me a week to recover from slipping and tricking, and that was more a recovery from the severe beating I gave myself about it.  But I learned a lot...it made me more aware...so I guess that is good.  I really like Patrick's concept of dope traps...and it really made me become aware of negative feedback loops and getting triggered.  I also had the thought that part of the reason I have been convinced for so long that I am bad at dating was because I was trying to date from the casual sex/tricking pool...and these guys are not interested or ready to date...so it was always doomed to fail.  I need to look elsewhere...I have the moves, I just need to dance at a different party.  Its hard fought for knowledge, but I understand myself more now- and that feels good.

Had a really good conversation with a good friend about porn and ED and rebooting last night...was really cool because for so long I did not talk about "things like this" with friends...sexually I held my cards very close to my chest...in fact some of my friends referred to me as the lone wolf when it came to sex...not good.  It feels so much better to talk about it with friends openly.  And it was not embarrassing...which I was worried about it being but it didn't end up being so.  Actually learned a thing about female anatomy and vibrators...gonna file that under information I will never need!  But the point is she was warm and supportive and interested...it felt SOOOOOO good to talk about it ...and it helps her understand what's going on in my life, and allows her to better support me as I go through ups and downs.  This is the same friend that is holding my external hard drives of porn...we are going to plan a kill porn event where we shred the porn and clean them up...and champagne will also probably be involved!

Want to have the same conversation with a couple other friends...feeling inspired about it.  Porn sucks...I think it was Phase that said once you realize what it does, and how badly it fucks you up, you can't go back and can only reject it. 

Continue to not flatline...which is a distraction.  For the past 20 years my dick essentially did not move unless it was manipulated...so it was pretty much non responsive.  Now I feel like a teenager...its popping up whenever I start thinking about sex.  Its a real problem when you are trying to meditate and you pop a half woodie!  Its a problem I am happy to have though.  Only about 65% hard, but I have every faith that will get better with time, and I still have two months of the reboot before I start looking at dating and rewiring.  It creates tension though, because I have this new thing and I want to try it out!  I want to jump into dating, but I really think I need to go the full 90....what do you guys think?  I also need to research the rewiring process...anybody have any recommended sites on it?  Why fooling around but no orgasm?  Is that to reinforce the behavior?  Kind of a positive feedback loop?

Also need to work on management of self after being triggered...Sunday was a bitch because I just kept getting triggered by images on tv...and this was family friendly tv.  Its the addiction looking for a fix, and I get that its trying to substitute for the lack of porn, but whew!  Also want to work on learning how to get out of a dope trap if I fall into one...sometimes they are sneaky and I am in one before I notice it...then how to break out?

But overall, doing well today!

Peace- and constant vigilance!


Well-Known Member
[I also had the thought that part of the reason I have been convinced for so long that I am bad at dating was because I was trying to date from the casual sex/tricking pool...and these guys are not interested or ready to date...so it was always doomed to fail.  I need to look elsewhere...I have the moves, I just need to dance at a different party.]

This is very perceptive and something I need to keep reminding myself as well. Thanks for stating it so succinctly. I think we all agree that unfortunately we have not yet found the right kind of 'parties' to dance at, but that will be our job in the next year: to find cool likeminded people, dinner parties, coffee dates, activities and interests that will put us around new people who are not currently on the Trick-Porn-Drug-Sex Addict Hamster Wheel.

Scroll down to 'Techniques to Assist Rewiring'. http://yourbrainonporn.com/rewire-your-brain-using-ocd-neuroscience

Also, this is the best site to answer all PIED questions. http://yourbrainonporn.com/erectile-dysfunction-question

Stay strong, Buddy!


Continuing to do really well...I don't have the words to describe it really...kind of scary but also wondrous. 

Still not missing the porn or the PMOing...I really don't.  I do continue to miss the hooking up...it has a much stronger call.  The other night the urge to reach out to a fuck buddy and have him come over hit so quickly and so strongly I swear my knees buckled...it felt like someone dropped 200 pounds across my shoulders.  It made me understand the difference between an urge and a compulsion...and this was a compulsion! I read somewhere that addicts don't have urges they have compulsions...and now I understand what that means.  I did not give in to the compulsion...I was actually so surprised by its intensity that I diverted myself in the surprise... I also used the 15 minute trick where I said to myself I would do it in 15 minutes and then distracted myself...after 15 minutes I had managed to move my brain along enough that it could think with its higher parts again...whew. 

Still working on trigger events. 

Lately I think of my porn addiction almost as a creature living inside me...and I think the creature is getting pretty desperate because it has not gotten a porn fix for 40 days...so its trying to get a pixal hit by other images that it sees on tv...guys with their shirts off or a glimpse of furry chest or a nice set of legs or the guy in the exercise video I am watching...it makes watching tv interesting to say the least.  When I have gotten triggered by these glimpses I have been using deep breathing, distraction, the 15 minute trick, and removing the stimulus to get through the urge if it is really bad...my counselor suggested I also use the rubber band on the wrist snap trick as well...he thought that I would do best with something that had a physical sensation...and he also gently suggested that "bigger is always better" : ) so I need to get a thick band so I get a good snap.  I am going to give it a try...he's pretty sharp and usually (well, so far he has always been) right.  I swear if you can find a good councilor and you can afford it do it...I have found mine to be a HUGE help, a great asset, and a valuable resource.

Continue to not be in flat line, and erections continue to come along...I have discovered that I need to sleep in unders now...if I sleep naked I wake up trying to screw the mattress LOL.  If nothing else I am keeping a sense of humor about this whole experience.  It still amazes me how PMO robbed me of my wood and my confidence and my sexuality.  I am NEVER going back to that again.  Councilor says I am not in flat line because I have a very high libido...and that I may not go into flat line.  Funny thing is for the past 10 to 12 years I was convinced that I had a very low libido...it was the only thing I could come up with to explain why I could not get it up or keep it up when I was with a guy.  Of course, I forgot that I needed to PMO for hours every night, and had no problem popping wood for porn.  Its amazing how porn addiction and dope traps played with my brain, impaired my ability to think and remember, and fucked me up...I am NEVER going back to that. 

Also asked about the rewiring process...we decided that for me it would be best to go 90 days before I do any dating...that will give me the best chance for success, and the best odds that the reboot sticks.  I also should not use a fuck buddy or a trick to rewire with...I will need to do it in the context of a committed, dating relationship.  I have used sex for the past 20 years as a panacea...a drug...to sooth myself when responding to emotional triggers...and I don't want to do that anymore because that is not what sex should be used for.  Rewiring with a trick or a fuck buddy will distract me from my long term goal...and my eyes are focused on the goal now.  Right now I embrace this...though I am 100% sure there are going to be times that I hate it...and I am also 100% sure that I am going to slip and trick from time to time.  And I need to accept this, forgive myself, accept and embrace that I am a sexual being (actually a highly sexed one), and then move on in the journey. 

I really like the thing about no matter how far you come on your journey from addiction the ditch is always going to be right there next to you.  But when we slide in the ditch we need to accept it, then dust ourselves off, pull the car out, and keep moving forward.

Diet and exercise are going really well...honestly I feel better than I have in years.  Met with a trainer today and I swear he almost killed me.  But I liked him and the program and I am going to go back for more.  Have lost almost 20 pounds to date...my pants are about falling off my waist, and I can fit into shirts that I have not been able to wear in more than 5 years.  Got another 20 pounds to go, but I think I can do it.  There is also lots of eye candy at the gym...and who knows, I might meet someone there!

All in all life is good, feeling positive, confident, and capable of beating my addiction...and that is GREAT!



Active Member
Rick, I loved your post. Thank you for letting us in on your journey :) For me, after my relapse, the biggest issue is trust. Trust that there's something better out there and that the reboot will work. And as you said, there's no alternative. Dope brain says: You can always go back to P. Rick and Patrick say: We will NEVER go back there ;) even if we could...

I'm surprised that after my PMO I can feel the chaser effect in subtle ways, e.g. I keep thinking about P as a last resort "if I have to," which is fairly unpleasant knowing about the facts. It wasn't like this before. So I am a bit shaken and must go strong today. It's like fumbling around with a low-battery flashlight in the dark at a bizarre, dark birthday party where everybody keeps on telling you that there's a prize out there, yelling "warmer" and "colder" along the way, and you feel like giving up more times than you'd like to admit. Why can't someone turn on the lights and SHOW me the d*mn prize?! But if I switch off the light for good, I'm completely lost and on my own = PMO'ing. So I take everything I can get to pull me through. Success will come if I go outside in the sunshine.

Good luck on your journey, my friend and it's great you have a wonderful counsellor.



Trust has been a huge issue with me as well...I have been working on it for quite a while now.  I would like to tell you my story...it is not a pretty one.

For me, my trust issues go all the way back to an abusive childhood that I came out of incapable of trusting anybody and convinced that I was unlovable.  Divorce, poverty, abusive step parents, and being gay in an evangelical christian conservative family...it was not a happy experience.  I think that's why I turned to P and M as a teen...it was a way to make myself feel better...to feel good...it made me feel something other than awful and hurt and sad and abused and deformed and flawed and neglected and unwanted and unloved.  It was not just about the sexual release for me, P and M were a means of escape...they let me go somewhere where I could feel good at a time when most of life felt awful.  It was a  fantasy land inside my head, my dick was the key, and sex was front and center.  For better or worse it got me through my teen years until I could move out.

As an adult sex became the escape instead of print P and M...I looked good and the guys flocked to me...the problem was I still had the trust issues and the self esteem issues from childhood, and I used sex to get away from all my demons and fears and hurts.  It was mindless, and meaningless, and only a temporary escape...so I was constantly on the prowl for the next partner.  I also refused to let anyone in...I would only hook up with a guy once, no matter how nice he was, and then I moved on to the next.  I lived in a large city at the time, and as a student there were lots of partners and lots of time to find them.  This pattern continued for about 7 years...and probably would have continued, except I got in over my head one night, and got gang raped by a group of guys...not good. 

The rape was devastating in more ways than I can ever put into words...in a nutshell it confirmed my fears about people hurting me, and it turned sex from an escape into an absolutely terrifying and unsafe thing.  It made me even more unable to trust and 100,000 times more fearful...and it turned me even further inward.  That's when I turned to P on the internet...and that's when the PMO addiction solidified and took off.  I did almost exclusive PMO for the next 10 years...almost no sex with partners...I think I had 5 partners in 10 years... and when I did try and have sex with a guy I could not get it up or keep it up...PIED.  I decided I had a low libido...and kept PMO ing.  I tried Viagra...it did not work.  So I kept PMOing.

I was pretty fucked up.  The outside world did not see it...I was a smart, good looking guy with a  successful career...a good leader, a hard worker...a really nice guy who did not have luck with relationships but that's just because he had not met "the right one" yet.  Inside, I wanted to find someone at this point and settle down, I was lonely, and enough time had passed since the rape that I was healed, but I was a fucked up, fearful, PMO-ing, porn addicted, untrusting, mess.  The older I got the more I struggled to reconcile these two sides of myself, and it got harder and harder and harder to do.  Eventually I could no longer do it, and severe depression set in...and then I got suicidal.  It got pretty bad...I almost ended it.  That's when I started seeing my councilor.  Thank god for him.  We have been working together for a couple years now...starting all the way back at the beginning and working up to today.  We started on the childhood issues, then sexuality issues, then trust issues, then the rape, then more trust issues, then thought pattern issues, then self esteem issues, and finally the porn/sex addiction issues.  It has not been easy, and at times it ha been very painful, but it has been worthwhile...and I believe he saved my life. 

The good news for me is that the PMO/porn addiction/sex addiction is the last issue I need to work on...I think I have "emptied" my barrel of woes, and conquered or addressed my demons.  It is not important, but it also explains why hooking up is harder for me to resist than porn...sex was my 1st coping strategy, I did it for about the same length of time that I have PMOd, and in my case PMO was a substitution for sex after the rape took sex away as an option.  I have also been incredibly lucky in that I did not catch anything while going through my experience...I kept my health.

My purpose in telling my tale is not to garner sympathy or or praise...its just to show that if I can learn to trust after all the shit I have been through, and it was pretty bad, then so can you.  Look inside yourself and try to figure out where your trust issues are rooted.  If this is too hard or too scary get help...that's what I had to do.  Talk about it with people you trust.  Once I figured out where my issues were rooted, and worked to address them, it got easier for me to trust.  It has gotten easier for me to do lots of things I could not do before.  Trust is something that I am always going to have to work at, but I can do it...and I know that now. 




Day 43 and doing well.  Seem to be settling into a new rhythm and it seems to be going well.

Changing the layout of the home office a bit...I had a big 36" LED monitor for the home pc ... it worked great for porn, but now I am not really using the home pc a lot, sitting at the computer for a long period of time is a trigger that I am working on...and well, it just looks silly sitting on the desk.  Gonna swap it out for a regular sized monitor...maybe move it down into the basement and hook it up so that I can watch movies or routines while I exercise or work on projects.    Will be nice to reclaim some desk real estate as well...and see out the window that it currently blocks.

Also working on YouTube and edging...caught myself doing it a couple times last week with exercise videos that morphed into swimsuit footage...yikes!  I don't want to mess up the progress I have made, so making an effort to not do it anymore, and really cutting back on pc time.  It seems easier to resist now then it did when I started...I think that is good, and maybe some evidence of brain rebooting?  The trick from a couple weeks ago reached out to me this past weekend, but I did not hook up.  We texted back and forth a bit, but all g rated discussion stuff.  Part of me wanted to do it, but a more present and stronger part of me spoke up and said no, talked about how it was not real, reminded me that it was not intimacy, it would not give me what I wanted, and reminded me how I would feel after he left...and I resisted the compulsion and did not hook up.  I was better able to hear the rational side of myself...it did not get overwhelmed by the compulsion... I did not get overwhelmed by the compulsion ... happy about that as well.

Ran into an old choir acquaintance this past weekend...ended up chatting for a bit and catching up...talked a lot about our dating experiences since last we talked.  It was interesting to hear his impressions of me in the dating arena...he described me as very elusive...that's the PIED and the PMO and the sex addiction coming through I think.  Always interesting to get a view of yourself through the eyes of others I guess.

Otherwise week off to a good start...just wish it would decide if it was going to snow or not, and then do it!  Off to the gym...time to burn some more calories.


Respected Member
Thanks for sharing Rick. You've been through some very traumatic events. I admire your courage for sharing so openly and honestly. Funny you should use the word "trick" when referring to a previous hook up. It reminds me of my worst Grindr days, like hooking up with 2 different guys separately and just hours apart the same day. "Trick" is the right word because there is something pornographic and almost trade in the way men seek sex with other men. Good luck with your office redesign, work out, and surviving 'snow-mageddon' in the US. Be well brother.


Replaced my big 36" porn PC monitor with a more reasonable 21" sized one...hoping it will make the pc less of a trigger...its definitely a lot smaller...had to increase the font size so that I could read text...that could just be my mid 40's eyesight though lol.  Still doing well...down 15 pounds and my trainer is kicking my ass...all good I guess. 

Having good luck not edging on youtube...at least so far this week.  Otherwise not a lot of angst ...some old scripts started running in my head last night at the gym as I watched the built 20 somethings pump up...I started to get very discouraged about getting into shape or ever meeting a guy...but then I pulled it out...reminded myself that I am not 20 something anymore but I still look damn good...but its going to take some time to gt back into shape...that's why I am working with the trainer.  Also reminded myself that it might be 6 months or 9 months or a year before I meet anyone, and who knows where it will be, so be easy on self and enjoy the view and the burn while I wait...seemed to work.  Before that old script would have sent me home, online, and into a PMO edging marathon...instead I finished my workout, took a long steam and a shower, and then came home and watched TV and went to bed...better coping I think.



Well-Known Member
Rick, I swear I'm not a part-owner of K9. LOL. But relying on 'luck' to keep you from edging on youtube just means that eventually you will run out of luck. Install K9. Block youtube--and any other site that triggers you. Facebook. Manhunt. Tumblr. Etc. Believe me, you will be juuuuuust fine without youtube in your life. And then you can relax a bit because you know you can't pull it up even if you want to. There's no negotiation. Just black and white. Porn or No Porn. (Choose the last one!)  8)


I want to fap I want to fap I want to fap...argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I think its the showers at the gym...does not help that guys keep cruising me.... gotta distract myself...maybe go clean the litterbox. 

Its gonna be a tough afternoon and evening...


Respected Member
Hey brother. Cold shower? I used to spend my workouts leering at guys and man there is tasty man candy as my gym. Now I appreciate the beauty without wanting more. This too shall pass my friend. Stay strong. FAPPING IS NOT AN OPTION.


Active Member
Seriously, you're doing great Rick.  Keep going man.  If not fapping is your goal, come here instead if you run out of other great things to do.  We'll keep you distracted long enough for those urges to pass.  And the cold showers most certainly work for me! 

But so does paying taxes, reading, painting, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, going to the bank to check on my deposits.  Anything is better than porn. 
Congratulations Rick.  Keep going!!


Active Member
Hey Rick, Thanks for sharing. I know it sucks when the urges come. Stay strong, my friend, and yeah, this too shall pass. After my relapse I can see clearly that it's my brain that wants the sh*t, not me. Big difference. I'm not a Pavlovian dog! Keep up the good work and new horizons will open up. When I'm in a high mood, I can even be happy with my life staying as it is, I just don't ever want to be a slave to P anymore. We can do it!


Thanks guys- I made it without giving in.  Snapped the rubber band on my wrist a couple times when the urge got really strong, and worked my arms out last night until they about fell off.  Feeling the good ache in the triceps today...way better way to spend an afternoon and evening : )

Onward and upward!


Respected Member
Ahhh I've been there brother. So sexually turned on or frustrated at the gym you destroy the iron. I'll have to try that wrist band trick in the future. Since rebooting, my pecs have never been this huge. Be well! 


Active Member
Gosh, I'll sound like your mother here but be careful with those weights when you're beating back sexual feelings.  I ripped my tricep doing that several years ago.  Reverse French curls, prone, on a bench are not your friend unless you have a spotter or are doing light weight.  Slow, gentle movement, no jerking or sudden stops.

End mother alert***

Good luck Rick.  Sounds like you are really on this.  Keep going!!



Been a while since I posted anything.  Been fighting the fight...dieting and exercising are coming along well...have dropped almost 30 pounds since christmas...looking pretty good if I do say so myself.  Working out also helps drain off the sexual impulse...so its a win win I think.  Giving up porn has been going well...I really don't miss the hours wasted of PMO every week.  Now I have days go by without thinking about porn and edging...a good thing I think.  I might be coming down from being hyper focused on PMO, and assuming a more "normal" level of focus with sex maybe.  I finally blocked Youtube on my computer...I still have the password and can override the block if I want to, but having to type in the password when I am looking for something seems to be a good block.  I kept catching myself starting to spend too much time checking out beefy guys working out...edging is not allowed!

Honestly my big issue lately has been getting cruised at the gym.  It is flattering (sometimes), but it is really not helpful to me right now...it fires up search and seek impulses...not good.  I have been working very hard at not engaging, and have been mostly successful, but I did fall off the wagon a couple weeks ago- and the minute we were done reality came crashing back in and I realized it meant nothing...and I had done something that was not wise.  I dusted myself off and climbed back on the horse...but I think it messed up my reboot...I lost my MW, and all signs of life below the belt ceased...its only just starting to show signs of re-awakening.  It made me realize that I didn't have any strategy in place on how to not engage in cruising when cruised...I did not know how to handle it...it was an eye opening realization.  I think I have managed to come up with a way to shut it down and not engage...basically no eye contact or talking anywhere except in the exercise areas, and keep a towel on at all times when in the steam room.  It seems to be working.  I could stop using the locker room, but I like the steam room, especially in winter, and I am going to use it!  So working it all out. 
