Relapse after about 70 days


New Member
I'm 24, been masturbating with porn, daily... between the ages 17 and 20. Ok, so I knew about the whole no fap, no pmo thing for about 2 years now. At first, 2 years ago I did it just for psyhological reasons and I actually lasted about 3 months (with frequent wer dreams) before relapsing. Than, I didn't think much of it and sometimes faped with porn, like once a week. After about 2 months of this, I thought I was losing some benefits i got from my first streak. So i did another month without fapping... next in the last year I watched porn like once a week on average. During exams 5 months ago, this became more like a daily habit. Then I got a new girlfriend and then when we were about to do it, my little friend didn't respond. Then I decided to do no pmo again, and although I hit flatline right away and it lasted until about 1 week ago, we had sex after about a month together, and regulary until now. Just about 2 weeks ago, i saw major improvment, getting boners all the time, and although i always came really fast, I could go for another round right away. So yesterday I smoked some weed, drank some alcohol and eventually masturbated to porn. Dopamine rush was huge. I don't even feel really bad about it, since I think of having sex with real girls rather then masturbating to porn, when i have an urge to orgasm.
Now, I would like to know, how far back does this relapse take me... do you think one pmo session for 30 minutes could destroy all my progres in terms of PIED? Am I starting all over from day 1 or did I do less damage to myself?


Active Member
Regarding the "harm" you did to yourself: YOu managed to stay PMO free for over 70 days. That is not overtaken by a slip of one time. Try it again. And remember -> what is YOUR goal here? what do you want to achieve? reboot as long as you achieve that goal you set for yourself. So if it is PIED -> until signs seem to vanish. Everybody is different with that.

Regarding the setback: If your goal is to get free of porn I can only say this: As long as you crave it you are not free of it.

If I were you I wouldn't worry too much about that relapse...... If you could go 70 days than you can try 90 next time. Ans since you are having sex, there should be no real problem in your way 8)


Active Member
Don't bash yourself. 70 days clean won't be affected that much by a relapse. Relapses are part of the game. Anyone in the process relapsed several times. They are lessons, an opportunity to understand oneself, and know when to pay attention.

I recommend stopping counting days, it's useless. Just focus on improving your life, everything should be okay.
Here is a very inspiring post of a rebooter. IT's long, but; if you want to recover once for all, just read it well.

Best Regards.

Chaos Mind

Active Member
The progress of 70 days recovery cannot be ruined by one PMO. But your self-confidence can take damage which consequently increases your risk of relapsing again in the future. Many people here wonder what an effect their relapse might have caused. The unspoken but biggest issue for me seems to be that you realize the world is still turning. That leads to a "what the heck....?" - mentality and a loss of motivation for further efforts. It's the exact way how smokers get back to their old habit after having quit several years ago. It's the thought "one couldn't harm". Because it's true. One try does not harm. But it causes a damage. It rattles at the wall you built up to keep the big flood out.

This is my advice: you will not tolerate yet another relapse. You will not let it be the first step back to old porn-you. There is no reason on earth that will ever justify another porn consumption. No cheap excuses.