54 and Frustrated How long does this recovery take?????


Staff member
tachieman said:
Just wondering how long it took if anyone is now recovered?
This problem took years to develop. You'll see benefits within a few weeks, but full recovery is a gradual process.


I feel your pain.  I'm in the same boat.  I think I need to go no M or O and see if I get results.  I've been no PMO for awhile now, and don't see much progress.  I've used porn for many, many years, so it may just take me longer.  I haven't had a problem not PMO'ing, but the no M and O is a real bear. 

I must say I REALLY enjoy getting the firm night erections.  It gives me hope.  Now if I could just get one when I want it...


Staff member
IMHO, the M&O are at least as important as the porn. Refuse to masturbate, no matter what, and porn can no longer trigger you to the same degree.


Active Member
I guess like they say on diet pill commercials, "Results may vary."

But there's a saying in recovery, "If it's 7 miles into the woods, it's 7 miles out." (or something like that)

I also think it's probably good to delineate between "rebooted" and "recovered".  Most addicts will tell you we are never "recovered."  We're always PMO addicts because if we ever find ourselves falling into those behaviors again, we tend to slip back into all of our risky and negative patterns.  But being rebooted, as I understand it, is the rewiring of our brain so we aren't triggered by the same things, and we aren't as reliant on PMO as a source to medicate ourselves from pain.

That's just my take on it, based on what I've read and been told by others in recovery, and it seems to be a helpful approach for many.

All the cliches are true  - take it a day at a time, celebrate progress, be accountable?

And know that it does get better.  You know what life was like with PMO in it.  Spend some time - some real time - without it and be patient.  Hopefully, rebooting will start to feel like it's an ongoing, healing process.  And recovery will be a day-by-day journey you find to be worth staying with. 

Keep going, my friend. 