Incremental Approach- The Return of the Prosperous "Me"


I will keep this short are sweet:

- 21 year-old male, haven't had sex in 4 years, been masturbating and lost interest in many things (not just real sex partners) but the interaction and confidence to express things and start conversations with everyday people etc. has lacked in this timeframe.
- After relapsing many, many, many, many times, I have decided to learn from these experiences and implement an 'incremental goal' approach.
- I am breaking down my 90 days and beyond goal in 10 day increments
- Every time I reach my 10 day goal, I will celebrate and reward myself with something I enjoy (obviously not Porn, anymore) LOL!
- This way it will give myself, and anyone who feels challenged or overwhelmed by a massive goal, to enjoy these small (but significant) victories along the way.
- Today I reached my first 10 day increment goal, and it feels good to change my PMO counter for achieving a goal, and not as the result of a relapse as it was in the past
- Still a long way to go but I feel this will make the journey a little bit easier than just aiming for 90 days and beyond straight up

*I will be uploading a small passage every 10 days achieved of my progress and any other thoughts I may come across*

Feel free to give this a try and let me know how you go with it. If you have any tips you wish to pass on by all means share them with me and I will do my best to reciprocate the advise.

Cheers, from Australia!!!