Just starting today. Feeling a bit numb right now


Hello everybody - welcome to my journal.  I'm 39 and realised porn was a problem in my life when I was about 20.  I've tried to stop many times and used many methods, including 12 steps and SMART recovery.  These things have helped me cut down, but not quit.  I had some help from a friend who was in the same boat when I was about 27, and did quit for a few years....but ended up going back to it.  The companionship with my friend was very important at the time I think, so I am hoping connecting with people through this journal will help...

I guess I feel in my case, I know I need to stop.  I stay up late most nights at the moment - till 3 or 4 or even 5 or 6.  It's affecting my work, and my general mood.  I'm exhausted -  and just numb.  And yet, often I want to look at porn more than I want to stop.  This is my question - I know I need to stop, but how do I get to a place that I want to enough that I actually do? 

Well lets see if this site helps.  Setting targets for abstaining seems like a good thing, and the support of you folks will help I think.

I guess at the moment, I am trying to do this in my own way, after trying other people's methods. One new thing, is I am seeing if self-hypnosis and guided imagery for addiction will have an effect.  Know it sounds weird, but I am also finding Tibetan Overtone Chanting helps!  It calms the mind, and it's impossible to have obsessive thoughts when I do it...  I'm trying to find out what will work for me....

Hope the above makes sense to someone other than myself.

Wish you all the best in achieving your own goals too.  I know how hard this is....


Active Member
Welcome to the forums man! I too have also tried with 12 step recovery and am currently an active member of SAA. Quitting is bloody difficult. Probably the most difficult thing I've ever tried to do is give up porn. I think that setting targets for abstaining is a good idea, however, I also think there is a danger in thinking too far ahead.. Personally I try and keep it in the day; this helps me stay present with my friends and loved ones.. (although please take this with a large pinch of "do as I say, not as I do!").

Anyway go to bed dude! Sounds like you're hitting the hay excessively late! I also understand it. Normally when I'm up that late, I'm looking at porn.

I don't think Tibetan Overtone Chanting is weird. I have no experience with it but to me it sounds like a kind of meditation. I think meditation in any form is a brilliant thing.. In fact thanks for reminding me that I need to try and give it a go more often.. Anything to help calm the mind is certainly no bad thing :)

Above all, try not to fight this addiction. Its the biggest paradox man. Try not to think of pink elephants and all that, you know?